Anonymous ID: f97550 Jan. 29, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.4957231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7272 >>7273 >>7421 >>7901

On Friday the Mueller Special Counsel sent 20-29 armed FBI operatives in six vehicles and a CNN camera crew to film the arrest of Trump associate Roger Stone at his home in a predawn raid.


Roger Stone was arrested barefoot and in his shorts outside his apartment.

On Monday Roger Stone told Judge Napolitano in a FOX Nation interview that his 72-year-old wife was also forced to stand outside barefoot and in her nightgown.


For some strange reason this was not aired on CNN who had a camera crew at Stone’s home during the arrest.

The Gateway Pundit wrote CNN for comment — It would be completely irresponsible if they hid this from the American public.


UPDATE— The Gateway Pundit wrote several CNN executives for comment on this report and why they decided to hide this from the American public.

As of this writing we have not heard back from any of our requests.

We spoke with Roger Stone’s associate who told us Roger’s wife was brought out into the yard in her nightgown and barefoot during the raid.

This is police state tactics.

Anonymous ID: f97550 Jan. 29, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.4957331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7388

Monday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she has no proof, but she believes Paul Manafort, who was campaign chairman for Donald Trump from June to August 2016, was planted by Russians.

Waters said, “At the center of this question about whether or not the president colluded with Russia or Putin or the oligarchs et cetera is the question of sanctions. We know that Putin wants these sanctions lifted. I’ve said from the beginning that I believe, and I don’t have the proof, but I believe that Manafort was sent to the campaign to be there to ensure that they get Trump elected in every way that they possibly could, and this is in exchange for him lifting the sanctions.”


She added, “Don’t forget, our president has said that he believes the sanctions should be lifted one way or the other. So I just believe that Mnuchin is, of course, guided by the president. They’re all a part of, you know, this relationship that they have with Russia and with Putin and with oligarchs. I mean when you take a look at all of the allies of this president that’s involved in this whole question, you cannot help but ask yourself what’s at the bottom of this? And I think it has been asked more than one time, why are they all lying? I think it’s about sanctions. I think it’s very important for us to continue to pressure, to get those sanctions continued and enforced and not to do what we have just witnessed they are trying to do, and that is being involved with delisting on these sanctions.”

Anonymous ID: f97550 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.4957688   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the message was a general one, not a specific job

received the message when i was posting something on the board, there was a pause, then the personal message popped up on the screen