The sudden 'anti-vaxxer' push on the internet.
On Reddit, right now, there are hundreds of 'anti-vaxxer' posts and memes within the last 24 hours. Hundreds. All with a fear/outrage bent that is familiar to us all.
This push is accompanied by media headlines 'anti-vaxxers cause outbreak in measles' articles, from the portland outbreak.
Unvaccinated people do not CAUSE measles. A carrier must bring in the disease from outside the population. Childhood diseases, typhoid and even plague WERE largely eradicated by the US and most western nations but with unfettered movement of people from disease plagued areas they are going to start up again. And have- the MSM is not reporting on the diseases coming over the border, but some outlets are.
And the disease outbreaks, instead of being blamed on the CARRIERS of the diseases, will be blamed on the victims who CATCH the diseases. (negative label: 'anti-vaxxers' for aversion marketing). Push will be for government to enact laws to force vaccinations, and Washington state will get those laws. People are asking r/legaladvice about the ramification of not hiring or working with 'anti-vaxxers' or allowing them to go to schools.
Religion is taking heat, since that is the reason many people opt-out. Religion is BACKWARD, they cause DISEASES, and Amy Coney Barrett is a CATHOLIC yadda yadda.
They can't lose control. The goals of leftist outrage against those who opt out, plus getting people vaccinated with all that lovely aluminum, plus deflect blame away from illegals, and turn up the volume for the war on Christianity. The anti-religion push will be a package tied up in a huge media bow, difficult to unravel to millenials with 'but hey, 1st amendment yo'.