Anonymous ID: 40d04f Jan. 29, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.4958157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8508 >>8723

Watch out for your children Planned Non-parenthood wants to infect them with the desire to kill babies



8:34 PM 01/24/2019 | US

Mary Margaret Olohan | Marketing and Publicity Associate, Regnery Publishing


Planned Parenthood just announced plans to release “Roo,” a new sexual health app, on Thursday in collaboration with their ongoing partner Work & Co. reveals that “Planned Parenthood worked with digital shop Work & Co on the strategy, branding, design and development of the chatbot — which began testing last year but officially launches Thursday.” (RELATED: Women’s Groups Stay Silent About Planned Parenthood Discrimination Allegations)


The app, named “Roo” in order to “to seem gender-neutral and friendly to the intended audience,” is supposed to be a venue for young people to ask questions about sexual health that they might not feel comfortable asking their parents. Designed specifically for 13 to 17-year olds, Roo is equipped to evolve over time to better answer questions from consumers.


Adage reveals that users of Roo can find information on pretty much any sexual topic; puberty, STD’s, pregnancy, masturbation, and even crushes. Roo will also connect users with other resources in the event that they cannot find what they are looking for – and among those resources are “live educators via Planned Parenthood’s Chat/Text program.”


Roo is accessible on mobile phones – meaning that young people now have the ability to ask any questions regarding sexuality and sexual health that they wish at any time or place. Not only will they receive uncensored answers to these questions, but they will also be given advice from Planned Parenthood operatives.

Anonymous ID: 40d04f Jan. 29, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.4958198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8216 >>8226

PP talking to kids as young as 13, who thinks this is a wholesome idea? And what about parents?



Planned Parenthood’s New Sex Chat Bot Targets Young Teens, Gives Shocking Answers on Sex, Abortion, Relationships and More


By Dan Andros

Managing Editor


January 25, 2019

Planned Parenthood continues to exert influence over the culture on issues of sex and abortion, launching a new online mobile app that gives sex instructions and advice 13 to 17-year-old teens who are attempting to navigate sex issues

Anonymous ID: 40d04f Jan. 29, 2019, 5:58 p.m. No.4958280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They say it’s to help 13 year old children navigate sex issues! Since when are 13 year olds asking for advice on sex issues? This organization and everyone like and connected to them has to go down,


Planned Parenthood's Chat For Teens


January 26th, 2019, 2:59 PM EST


Planned Parenthood’s New Sex Chat Bot Targets Young Teens, Gives Shocking Answers on Sex, Abortion, Relationships and More


Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash




By Dan Andros

Managing Editor


January 25, 2019

Planned Parenthood continues to exert influence over the culture on issues of sex and abortion, launching a new online mobile app that gives sex instructions and advice 13 to 17-year-old teens who are attempting to navigate sex issues.

Anonymous ID: 40d04f Jan. 29, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.4958551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The propaganda all starts with MSM not reporting the truth!Autists-we can connect with students if we speak the truth.


Watch College Students Actually Change Their Minds on Trump After Learning Truth About Pelosi.


JANUARY 29, 2019 AT 4:48PM

There is little question that the predominately liberal mainstream media provided incredibly one-sided coverage of the lengthy partial government shutdown by blaming the situation on President Donald Trump being unreasonable while exonerating Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats of their refusal to negotiate a compromise to end the standoff.

That glaring disparity was revealed when Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips interviewed a number of students at a Washington D.C.-area university and asked who was to blame for the government shutdown. All of the students said that Trump was to blame for the lengthy shutdown, as he had not offered up any sort of compromise solution … only to find out later just how wrong their initial assumptions of the “facts” actually were.


As an aside, we have covered these Campus Reform videos numerous times in the past, and while many on the right will chastise the ill-informed students on their lack of knowledge about the reality of the world around them, the students are merely uninformed young adults who have had biased narratives drilled into their heads by liberal academia and the liberal media.


Once the students had been informed that President Trump had made several offers of compromise to the Democrats — all of which were flatly rejected by Pelosi and her Democratic Party — their tunes on who was to blame for the longevity of the government shutdown changed their minds

As noted, all of the students interviewed in the video blamed Trump for the shutdown. Phillips then asked the students if they thought Democrats should agree to a compromise if Trump were to offer certain concessions, such as protection for the “DACA dreamers” of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, $800 million in humanitarian aid for illicit border crossers and additional funding for immigration judges to clear the backlog of immigration cases.


All of the students said Democrats should accept such an offer and be willing to trade funding for a border wall to do so, even if it would be a “bittersweet” win for the left.


That is when Phillips revealed that President Trump had already made such an offer to Democrats, which was shocking news to all of them as they hadn’t heard this prior to his telling them.


With a laugh, one woman admitted that she hadn’t been aware of the compromise offer. Another young woman, asked if she was surprised by the revelation, replied, “Yeah, like … yeah.” Another pair of young women simply laughed and expressed their disbelief.

A male student admitted his own surprise at the news, while another declared it to be “awesome.” The girl who said such a compromise would be “bittersweet” admitted that she was “pleasantly surprised” to learn the compromise had already been offered.


Finally, Phillips got to the kicker of the whole exercise and asked the students if they thought Democrats should have accepted the compromise deal instead of flatly rejecting it out of hand. All of them said “yes,” Pelosi’s Democrats should have been more open and accepting of the proposed compromise if only to get the government reopened and operational again.


While many of Phillip’s interviews with students are somewhat depressing in regard to the future direction of our nation, this video actually inspired a little bit of hope in that it revealed how the students aren’t complete automaton partisans devoted to the left. They are merely parroting the one-sided information they have heard from the media, their professors and their friends on media.


That was the message Campus Reform’s Phillips attempted to drive home in an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday when he explained, “Many students had said they heard from social media, from professors, from TV that Trump was the one to blame.”


“Much of it has to do with (how) media is covering this situation,” Phillips said when he was asked why the students hadn’t previously heard about the concessions.


“It starts in the classroom as well. Students being inundated with these ideas. As much as the Democrats wanted to put this on President Trump, when people look at the facts it’s hard to deny that President Trump did more to end this shutdown and more to compromise than anyone else, especially on the left.”

Anonymous ID: 40d04f Jan. 29, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4958712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unearthed By Melting Ice In Antarctica: A Strange Two Kilometer Long Strip of Structures

16Sep 15, 2018 Source:


Tags: Antarctica ICE mystery strange

A Two kilometre long series of 22 sinister-looking structures have been revealed by thawing ice in Antarctica - prompting claims the installation is a World War 3 fall out shelter for the global elite or a landing pad.



Experts say the bizarre looking series of structures is the size of a small town - and appears to have been buried for years.


To the north of the settlement deep inside Antarctica, - where temperatures can dip to -130F (-90C) - there appears to be an airstrip and the whole area is covered with what seem to be vehicle tracks.


According one researcher into the unexplained the nearest official scientific research station is Troll, a Norwegian research station located at Jutulsessen, 200 miles north east of the structure near Princess Martha Coast in Norwegian-claimed Queen Maud Land.


An online paranormal investigator calling himself ‘Conspiracy Depot’ unearthed the strange installation on worldwide mapping app Google Earth.


He said: “I assume they are related to some man-made activities for research purposes but I’ve looked at the co-ordinates and I’ve looked on a number of sites for all known research stations in Antarctica and the closest one is Norwegian station 200 miles away.”


Fellow paranormal investigator going by the name Florida Maquis – who claims to be a former agent in the US Military Intelligence Corps - discovered something even more bizarre by looking back at the same Antarctic area year-by-year.


The installation – whatever it is – remains invisible until about 2001 when melting ice starts revealing the first indications of a buried site.


He said: “This is about as creepy a place as I’ve ever seen in my life.


“In 2001 it starts to protrude, in 2009 it starts to become more prominent and in 2013 it emerges.


“What we have is a runway and an operations centre of some kind.


“I did some basic measurements and whatever these things are protruding through the snow they measure just shy of 2000 metres.”


The discovery triggered an avalanche of conspiracy theories both on YouTube and forums with one contributor suggesting the installation was a nuclear bunker for the world’s rich and powerful elite, another that it is an ancient alien landing site now being thawed out for invasion.


Antarctica Hidden Bases