Anonymous ID: 1b1915 Jan. 29, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.4958935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4956883 lb

you speak of what's called change in tech. sophistication in terms of quality (vertical), as opposed to innovation related to variety (horizontal).


The reason it's getting out of hand is the ease with which one tech can simply imitate another with a slightly novel difference but otherwise be the same. enough of these novel differences and it gets diluted…


I mean do you have Facebook omg why aren't you using twitter, holyshit Instagram is just like twitter but with a camera, but wait Snapchat is just like Instagram but temporary…etc….


whereas qualitative innovation moves us from pastoralism herding domesticated animals, to tanning leather. Or from building pocket calculators into laptop computer know-how