Anonymous ID: 9eb762 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:11 p.m. No.4959861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9885


signal to noise…. I do hope our side starts getting more creative with its attempts at getting the signal out. So many efforts that failed relied on the weakneses of anon's (stability, focus, patience) to just presumably go away and hunker down on the correct bits of the puzzle to understand things (like symbolism, and ignoring the shill pushes, and learning history, focusing on the right parts etc) - I can think of tons of ways to get around these weaknesses but I get the feeling those in control of this are not experts on directing a mob of autist frogs.


I think our side is winning and will continue to win, but there is much room for improvement and eventually this problem gets fixed on the correct side, because it's not the autists that can change on this one.

Anonymous ID: 9eb762 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:19 p.m. No.4959969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117


I had a lot of plans and had made progress on them. I created quizzes and a website, data graphs and animations and videos, and tons of info-graphics and just when my twitter started taking off the cult shut me down hard and took my computer and well… it's a long story.


well… in the end I just have to be patient. I can tell we are winning. I just feel like opportunities that should have been easy to see were missed because they have military operatives trying to think like us frogs.

Anonymous ID: 9eb762 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:28 p.m. No.4960117   🗄️.is 🔗kun


addendum… to sum up the problem it's trying to change anon's correctly but inefficiently. They want to turn autists into people who can correctly dissect the symbolism of the cult and understand history and so on… but in doing so they have dropped a ton of info and breadcrumbs and no enjoyable way to connect the dots.


Most autists will respond to things in realtion to the ease of access to which they begin them. When our movement started out we had that in spades but over time it has become a behemoth of data where the shills have muddied the waters and starting points effectively to make it so that we grow at a slower pace than we otherwise would. W e surely wouldn't grow at all if it weren't for the fact that its' all true and the world is being saved.


truly, if it werent' for that truth we would have collapsed - but many fake movements last longer and grow despite not being true - and it's because of their appeal - something that is remarkably not addressed in our movement outside of funny meme pictures.


There are so many ways to address this issue without overstepping the boundries that are clearly in place to avoid messing up other parts of the plan.


but as said… Ive just got to be patient, so long as we are winning, even if not as munch as we could, so long as the world is saved (and it is) I can live with the slower route to that end.