Time diff (Delta) between this and previous tweet was 14:15 08.45(AM) to 23.00(PM) Assuming this is a pointer to Qmap 1415 …… Got it? I'm guessing military time is fuxin you up anon.
Fuck off. The Greeks invented it as coinage while you were trying to work out if you could cook rocks. (How's that going by the way?)
I still think the R reference here is [Renegade] not RGB.
I figure RBG is not missing we know she's in a hospital or the morgue. Have not heard a squeak out of Obummer for a week or more. If he ran, he would be 'missing'. Also the FleshJack link on his twatter indicates nobody is minding the store….. little things but that's where my head goes.
All money is a token of value, we must agree on the value to have an economy. To agree on value, you use something that is not readily reproducible and has limited in supply- Gold is of limited supply. Leaves are not. Money issued as paper should represent a portion of, and in the old days was redeemable for, a fixed amount of the token of value. Hence Silver certificates and Gold certificates were the original paper bills. They were easier to carry and transport than Gold bricks. You could not print more redeemable certificates if there wasn't enough gold to cover the amount. Fiat money breaks that and you just print all you want (Quantitative Easing), relying on people to continue to agree upon the value even though it represents nothing more than an agreement and faith that agreement wont change. That's the risky space we are living in under the Fed.
If you tried to implement the gold standard so that every dollar bought the same amount of goods and services it does today, multiplied by all the paper dollars in existence, the cost of gold would have to be about 30,000 dollars a troy ounce for there to be enough gold to represent the currency in circulation, and in banks. There is only enough gold on the planet to build appx a 60x60x60 ft cube. There are trillions of dollars out there. one dollar therefore could only be redeemed for 1/30,000th of an ounce of gold - or you run out of gold before you run out of paper bills to reimburse. (Plus all the NK super-counterfeits.)
Of course all of this assumes we still actually have Gold in Ft Knox. Q said we did so…. phew there. QMAP 2619