Anonymous ID: 804e76 Jan. 29, 2019, 10:30 p.m. No.4961476   🗄️.is 🔗kun



All these factors and if you try to change anything by voting red team blue team, they say they can't do anything.


Abortion nope can't stop that.

Mass incarceration (it's unconstitutional and culturally biased towards minorities so the majority won't notice the problem) nope can't stop that.

gov't constantly getting bigger, nope can't stop that.


You eventually realize that you have no fucking control whatsoever, and there is no means for ordinary citizens to peacefully assemble and determine any aspect of their collective destiny.

Anonymous ID: 804e76 Jan. 29, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.4961500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1527



"African American Culture" would that be before or after the Cabal controlled CIA took over the music industry in the largest domestic psyop in history?


Conway Twitty and Elvis (CIA's Just say not to drugs paid shill) got where they were by imitating "African American" music.


Blaming African American's for warlord rap music culture, is like me blaming Palestinians for the porn the IDF tries to broadcast to their kids. Maybe we should have done more to reject it.


But you are a couple of division fags.

Anonymous ID: 804e76 Jan. 29, 2019, 10:42 p.m. No.4961555   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I actually agree with the shillfaggot on one thing. I do not think we are going to see most of this stuff till the second term. When they did not arrest the people who rigged the past election, and just let them get away with all that, they blew their shot on this term.


If Declas brings down the house, you could save that for if he is clearly going to lose or has already lost. There is absolutely no way Trump will let the banks fail first term at this point, he does not have enough time to fix thing, and he has "the magic wand." Just look how long Japan limped along printing bigger piles of money.


Nothing big happens this year or next year. The big thing MAY be finally stopping the cheating. We'll get the wall this next year, that is it. No showy arrests.

Anonymous ID: 804e76 Jan. 29, 2019, 10:54 p.m. No.4961642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1657




Theatre, this nonsense is all about getting Maduro to the table so that Trump can remove the sanctions.


Did Trump remove Kim Jung Un?


Did Trump remove Assad?


Did the fake news say he was going to in both cases?

Anonymous ID: 804e76 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:08 p.m. No.4961740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1754


I thought just like the guy the JIDF/Hasbara shillfaggot is pretending to be until I got on here.


Sometimes they pretend to be outright Jewhaters to make guys like you look bad. But when i finally work to this part of the puzzle was when the Rabbi at that synogog that got shot up by a Trump Hater used his bully pulpit to condemn Trump's wall.


WTF - your congregants get killed and you are talking about Trump's wall. That is when I realized that Jewish groups had an undeniably obvious agenda to destroy this culture from within.


Yes, posting these memes is important because the Jew owned Fed (unlimited money printing) has brainwashed all these people to not criticize a Jew for anything. These Jews are not even Hebrew, and they did not make a full conversion and do not even follow the Ten Commandments, which makes them absolutely nothing but identitity thieves.