Anonymous ID: 8b80a9 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.4961057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1059 >>1088 >>1093 >>1291

(Repost from last bread cuz you are all faggots who can't recognize an important post)



Several months ago I decided to email someone that I believed to be very important to our movement. Someone previously part of the Trump administration who was selected by General Flynn. This was my message to him. I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while.


Don’t bother asking for sauce or additional information. None will be given. Call me a LARP if you will. Presented without comment:



Good day, Mr. XXXXXX:

I apologize if I have not addressed you appropriately, as I am not of military background and I have failed to determine either your former rank or your present title. My name is XXXX XXXXX, and I am contacting you as a curious and concerned citizen who loves the United States.

Through research of open source information [interviews, articles, your XXXX XXXXXX, and the publicly discernable details of your social sphere], I have come to appreciate your expertise in the cultural, ideological, and political vectors of warfare. It is apparent that you recognize the power of a unified message amongst broadcast & print media, social media, religious institutions, academia, and established political organizations. You understand how pressure through these channels is currently being applied to undermine the historically and culturally significant ideologies our nation was founded upon.

Specifically, you recognize how XXXXX and XXXXXXX ideologies are being deliberately injected into many aspects of today's American consciousness without the broad, public cognizance necessary to analyze the implications of this phenomenon.

Given your credentials, I am reaching out to you in search of insight. At the moment, there appears to be a resurgence of patriotism taking root within select sections of the American populace, and this patriotic movement is providing counter-pressure against the more established XXXXXX-XXXXX-Globalist messaging we have weathered for many years. I would like to know your assessment regarding the sustainability of this nascent patriot movement.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and subsequent election seems to have synthesized various like-minded groups and individuals into a more homogeneous movement with defined values and common messaging. Those values largely reflect the principles upon which this country was founded.

As the broader patriot movement appears to be in its infancy, and given the strength of the forces in opposition to it, I suspect that it is quite fragile. Since President Trump’s inauguration, a variety of unconventional social media initiatives have made notable progress in spreading the message of the patriot movement, however many of them have set expectations for tangible results that are yet to materialize.

A fundamental ethos within today’s patriot movement is the notion of equal justice under the law. This stems largely from the perception that our society has suffered from a multi-tiered justice system in recent times. From what I am witnessing, expectations amongst many within today’s patriot movement have been set to believe that an indisputable display of equal justice under the law will be forthcoming shortly. I fear that a failure for these expectations to be satisfied would be highly detrimental to the movement.

I recognize that you are a busy man, and that responding to unsolicited messages from unknown persons does not rank highly on your list of priorities. As such, I don’t genuinely anticipate a response. That said, if you do find the time, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on a few things. Specifically:

Do you share my concern about the fragility of today’s patriot movement, or do you consider it robust?

Do you believe that follow-up victories will be critical to sustain and grow the patriot movement, or do you believe that those who have entered the movement will continue to maintain these values, regardless of external influences?

Lastly, based on your knowledge and analysis of current events, do you believe that an indisputable display of equal justice under the law will be forthcoming?

I thank you, Mr. XXXXXXX, for your years of service and dedication to our country. I also thank you, in advance, for your consideration of my message.

Best Regards,


Where We Go One, We Go All

Anonymous ID: 8b80a9 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.4961059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1291


(Repost from last bread cuz you are all faggots who can't recognize an important post)



Several months ago I decided to email someone that I believed to be very important to our movement. Someone previously part of the Trump administration who was selected by General Flynn. This was his response. I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while.


Don’t bother asking for sauce or additional information. None will be given. Call me a LARP if you will. Presented without comment:




Thank you for the thoughtful note.


I think the only certainty within the current political climate is that the country is going to come apart without an intervention. Left versus Right is irrelevant. The principle motivators for the masses are fear and self interest and the ruling oligarchs have set about creating conditions, channeling the masses to action via their media platforms, that basically assures that the Republic will fail. Patriots are being purposefully and willfully disenfranchised.


As to your question, the movement that brought Trump forward pre-dated him (I don't think he knows that) and that movement does not enjoy a sufficient level of support yet, organizational, financial, political or otherwise, to see it survive.


I don't know if you've read Eric Hoffer's True Believer, but in it he describes the emergence of "serious men of action" and thus far I see none of them around Trump. Most around him are self serving profiteers serving to monetize what is truly a crisis through their latest book or whatever.


However, there are several of us (too few) working quietly behind the scenes and planning for the next evolution in the fight. Let's call this the MAGA movement - even though that term is unfortunately affiliated with Trump himself and not the wider movement of which he is simply a beneficiary.


In essence, we are a counter revolutionary movement that seeks to return America to herself and stop this systemic abuse of her people……….the Marxists and Islamist and Globalists all oppose this and do so openly and with the support of our own Government and largely our own culture.


XXXX XXXXX and I have written a new paper that will become available shortly that will explain what "The Left" actually is, where it comes from…….so that we might begin a campaign to defeat them. Make no mistake, we are in a pre-war cycle…….now I know this sounds hyperbolic, but this country is in a very fragile position, especially domestically. A situation that sees a growing number of this countries veterans and security personnel forced to choose between loyalty to the state and loyalty to the people.


I know this sounds gloom and doom…….but that is not my intent. The country has faced situations like this before……it is time for the adults to step forward.


Stay in touch.

Anonymous ID: 8b80a9 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.4961062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1068 >>1076 >>1291 >>1329

(Repost from last bread cuz you are all faggots who can't recognize an important post)



Several months ago I decided to email someone that I believed to be very important to our movement. Someone previously part of the Trump administration who was selected by General Flynn. This was my follow-up to his response. I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while.


Don’t bother asking for sauce or additional information. None will be given. Call me a LARP if you will. Presented without comment:




I sincerely appreciate your response; it means more to me than you likely realize. More importantly, I wish success to those of you “too few” working to save our republic. Your success means the difference between liberty and prosperity versus subjugation and destruction. The world, without knowing it, is counting on you.

Although patriots such as your team typically act out of principle and necessity rather than seeking recognition, hopefully one day you will be seen for the modern American heroes that you are.


Your response was a bit more pessimistic than one would hope for, but the message largely aligned with my understanding and expectations. Expectations aside, uncomfortable truths are always preferable to convenient platitudes.

You mentioned “men of action” from Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer. I have read the book, however I needed to dust it off and refer back to it in order to understand your reference. It seems that, upon taking office, President Trump surrounded himself with men of action in his National Security Council: men who, in the face of this crisis, were motivated to self-sacrificial action in furtherance of a greater objective.


By all appearances, the oligarchy used their levers of power in Washington and the media to push these “men of action” out of the administration. Unfortunately, the one man with the authority to resist the removal of these men appears to have refrained from doing so. I have largely been operating off the assumption that close coordination between these men and the administration has been ongoing in the background. Perhaps that was a foolish assumption.

If your and Mr. XXXXXX’s paper will be made available to the public, I look forward to hearing your explanation on the nature of “The Left”. In one of your interviews, you mentioned that a friend from XXXXXX sent you a box with XXX books which set you on the course to achieving the understanding that you have today. Would you be willing to provide me with a list of recommended reading?


You mentioned that we are currently in a prewar cycle, and you followed up with emphasis on our domestic fragility. Could you please elaborate on this? Do you believe we are in a prewar cycle with another nation-state, and that we must achieve domestic unity to assure victory? Or do you mean that we are in a prewar cycle in terms of civil war?


I thank you again, Mr. XXXXXXX, for all that you are doing. Please advise if there is anything a layman such as myself can do to assist the “too few” who are working to save our republic. Despite the short-term chaos that will undoubtedly ensue, I look forward to seeing “the adults step forward.”



Best Regards,



Anonymous ID: 8b80a9 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.4961068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1087 >>1104 >>1291


(Repost from last bread cuz you are all faggots who can't recognize an important post)



Several months ago I decided to email someone that I believed to be very important to our movement. Someone previously part of the Trump administration who was selected by General Flynn. This was his response to my follow-up. I’ve been sitting on this for quite a while.


Don’t bother asking for sauce or additional information. None will be given. Call me a LARP if you will. Presented without comment:




Bet you can't name 5 men who died on Omaha Beach. This is the way of the world and always has been. "Credit" is for losers, self promoters and politicians…..plenty of them around.


Pre-war cycle in terms of domestic civil war as the country is rapidly becoming two countries with the ruling oligarchs from both parties moving farther and farther away from the working former middle class.


Attached please find a recommended reading list. These are not the books that XXXXXX sent me, which were all books about Islam, but this is a good list and certainly worthy of consideration at this time.




Anonymous ID: 8b80a9 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.4961207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1305


I don't have the answers. I just shared because I thought it was important, and I have sat on those comms for several months.


What I have taken away is that there are several patriots working in the background, who don't intend to let the republic fail. High level military (if you couldn't tell from the comms).


I don't think there is much you or I can do, other than to support those in service, be well read, and try to understand what is happening.


From what I could tell, though, POTUS has been slightly disappointing to them. I'm just hoping my contact wasn't close enough in the inner circle to see the whole picture.