Medical field will always have a need for people- my advice if you go that route is to get core classes done at a community college first, saves money. Do not take out loans if you can help it.. work and do school PT if you can. Speaking of PT, physical therapists make $$ and will always be in demand. GL anon.
This this this and don’t believe her if she says she’s on the pill.. not that she’s lying but they can fail. Use “other” methods. I cannot emphasize this enough and agree with the others. No babies until later. They are expensive if you raise them right!!
Ok so all women are whores and need to be thrown down stairs? Hmm.
Your intuition is most likely spot on. Interesting.
Kek- scroll fast and it looks like a Q post.
18 year old anon..are you still here? No responses….
I’m seeing your point as 18 yr old “anon” seems to be MIA.