You know that some people will search for the truth, so you get ahead of it. You know that sooner or later they will relaize aliens existe. So you use the information in you advantage. You mix the truth with the lies, and you control the narrative. So you tell that there is secret space program, you put this out for all searching for the truth. They can't do much with this information because every sceptic will ask for the proof, whic they can't provide, so you're good. And you mix it with the lies that it was created by nazis so you can retain the notion that nazis are evil. So who ever will search for the truth will stumble upon this information and won't be able to make the jump that nazis were actually fighting for the survival of western civilization. So they will never doubt that the nazis were bad, since they had a secret space program. Which is really what you aimed to do. People won't doubt twice about the evil nazis.
What can do more damage aliens, or knowing the truth about second WW2. If people realized that the evil ones won, that they did unnumbered crimes against humanity, got their own brothers to fight each other. And that they would realize that nat socialist were right about cultivating the heritage, nationalism… You can't flood them with brown two digite IQ ppl. So you remind them daily throught propaganda, pedowood movies, tv shows, documentaries how evil nazis were and how lucky everyone is that they lost. And those searching for the truth you get them with the ssp. Of cours this is just a tip of an ice berg, through the years you keep adding the lies that support the notion of evil nazis…
So people blisfully fall asleep thinking the bad guys were defeted in WW2, and that it wasn't in fact the fall of Europe. Enjoy your degeneracy, and brown people (who created nothing, couldn't create one civilized society…)who tell you how evil you are, meanwhile they are the real racists, and are living off you. But don't forget white men you are the epitome of evil
Be good goys and don't forget nationalism is not the way it's just divide and conquer technique.
Majority of people knowing the truth about the WW2 would mean game over for you. So you do everything to keep the false narrative.
HH (Happy hanukkah) shlomos