POTUS tweets looking forward to meeting with Kim Jong Un.
Anybody seen Ruth lately?
POTUS also tweeted about Venezuela.
Pray for the people of Venezuela.
They don't deserve the anguish they're being put through. Starving, desperate people in a country rich with natural resources … because socialism … because Maduro stealing the wealth of the country.
>>4963512 You have to say what asset class. Gap up is not sufficient info.
The college setup has changed drastically over the decades since I got my degree.
I would be really cautious about college now. Many/most degrees are useless. Many/most institutions WILL indoctrinate you and you'll be none the wiser.
At age 18 it's hard to know what your interest will be. Your eventual profession or job could turn out to be entirely different than what you feel you have an interest in today.
Suggestion: Go take an aptitude test. Find out your strengths and weaknesses, interests and native abilities. Find out how these map onto different occupations. Try an apprenticeship or internship program to discover if you have a serious interest in those jobs that match your aptitude profile.
Good luck, younganon!
If you're going to speak about financial matters and you say "gap up" then certainly you must be aware that hard assets, precious metals, often trend in opposite directions from interest rates and financial assets. I was a market watcher for decades but sit back and don't watch anymore. Even if you say "Futures" gap up, you ought to say whether you are talking about STOCK market futures or COMMODITY futures. Shame on you for admonishing others. Autists relish precision and facts. A half-fact "gap up" is merely irritating to an autist because then they have to either disregard the half-fact or go look up the other half to satisfy their curiosity. FFS. I have nothing more to say to you.