TY Baker!!!
The most telling part of that Q drop is the percentage… of people Q was dropping info to. Or the assumption that that small of a percentage could actually handle the full truth. Let's say you are right. There is no "god" or "satan". This doesnt invalidate The Holy Bible, or the many other religious texts, for that matter. For a great deal more than most people realize, morality can't exist without "God". For agnostics and those that consider themselves atheist, this is preposterous, and part of the real issue with humanity. This also means that those committing such vile acts of evil against their fellow man might actually know their excuse (worship) is just an excuse to do what they do. They are true nihilists. That's pretty fucking scary, if you really take the time to think about it.
What I think is most interesting about your post is the reality of it. All religions are man made. The Council of Nicea is just one example of how religion is crafted. That doesnt mean that religions are invalid systems of social engineering. They are just dated. How do we bridge the gap between technological advancement and humanity as an institution of compassion? Religion is losing its grip in that regard, but that doesnt necessarily mean that humans have lost their moral compass.
Again, many people out there cannot even conceive of a sense of morality without "God".