‘’’Anon theory on Global Waming’’’
(Can’t figure how to to bold type on IPad)
Please help me put this together - I need your hive mind.
POTUS tweet on 1/29/2019 (picture related)
Global Waming
Global Warming
Many assumed it was missing an [R].
Global Whaming
What if it was missing an [H]?
Global Whamming
Or missing an [H] and an [M]?
-Double meanings exist-
There were posts on the night shift last night about possible body double HRC in PR.
There was post about unclass pdf Adam and Eve story - search and read
Why was this suppressed and released after being sanitized?
There have been posts about geomagnetic pole shift/drift. Here’s one:
There have been BOOMS everywhere, Tunnels everywhere,
South America ocean Anomaly, Earthquake near Antarctica
Sighting of mile wide object heading toward earth.
Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing
I’m painting the picture and the map is coming into focus. Planefag Anon posted map of US yesterday and linked west coast Napa Vineyards and keystone graphic on east coast. Direct center of the target was Kansas. Trust Kansas.
Am I over the target? Or do I just need more sleep. I’ve been digging this for days. My brain keeps processing even when asleep, more so now that I have turned off the smart meter and 5G router.
I know Q said only 40% would be revealed, but we have more than we know.
HAARP, waves that show up in Heliplots around the world, ultra low frequencies, it’s beginning to come together, but I need our hive mind.
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things, I cannot change…
I refuse to surrender to fear and panic, in speculation. POTUS and Q are focused on unfolding the PLAN, to not panic the Country, but to change the things we can..take out the pedophiles, the DS, the Cabal, fight the battles in front of us both local, global and national. If we are approaching mass extinction due to global waming, pole shift, the end of the world as we know it, there may not be any amount of food and water storage to save us. And here I turn to either panic or faith. I choose faith.
I have faith in the Ancient of Days and Jesus Christ. WRWY. WWG1WGA.