I think people do, but not here. This board is less and less about us, eventually becoming a dump of intel at the end of QAnon. It's bizarre that millions of people suddenly try to get on here when Q posts, all at once, and within seconds.
Yup. Pressure mediation is what makes the world go 'round.
His audience is literally retarded.
Really? You can't look at that and instantly discount anything that "man" says?
Even hell has its heroes, signore
A NOTAM is a notice containing information essential to personnel concerned with flight operations but not known far enough in advance to be publicized by other means. It states the abnormal status of a component of the National Airspace System (NAS) โ not the normal status.
Every user of the NAS is affected by NOTAMs because they indicate the real-time and abnormal status of a component of the NAS.
NOTAMs concern the establishment, condition, or change of any facility, service, procedure or hazard in the NAS.
NOTAMs have a unique language using special contractions to make communication more efficient.
The more I think of it, they can't stop brain death. They can keep a ventilator on, and they can keep a transfusion/circulation pump going, but the brain is just going to die. (Not that she wasn't brain dead prior to becoming a Justice; she was).
So we have 3 ways to get rid of a SCOTUS Justice: They die, they quit, or they get impeached.
She's on life support; she's not dead.
She did not quit.
She must be impeached, which requires a House impeachment and a Senate conviction, just like a President, and that requires a supermajority of Senators to vote to impeach. 67. There are 53 "GOP" Senators, including Mittens. If all the GOP votes to impeach that requires 14 Dims to also vote to impeach the most liberal Justice to ever be on the Court, and who is equipped with a vagins. Not going to happen.
They will not admit she's "dead" until and unless POTUS is not re-elected and/or a lame duck President.
She'll literally be Polly the Parrot.
I like where you're going. Legalize 336 trimester abortions in RBG's honor, with her at the head of the line!
You don't get a super pointed question that leads you to look into something from time to time, by another "Anon"?
Now isn't that an interesting choice of names. Wonder where she can trace her ancestors back to.
Huh. Put my money on hemp.
Um, is that Vincent Fusco to the left?
They have ZERO mechanisms available with which to do that, if they were even so inclined as to set a precedent for their own removal from office.
Underrated movie
Yay! A Happening!
satanic gibberish
It's great. Dims more worried about scrub trees than human trafficking!
Setting up their defense for their crimes being displayed on video.
Smelling bullshit here; the cia was just a continuation of the OSS, which operated in WWII
Neat. Might want to rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise tho
Same day scheduling? Not sure if possible. Would be nice, considering the idiotic delays so far.
Yeah, not sure an EMP would matter to a sub at any significant depthโฆ..
I'm sure my anti-popery creds outmatch any of yours, dude.
PF is a Dropbox
Kind of assume that's a bot
Mitch invoked cloture on Friday; voted, what, 3 days later?
Absolute waste of police resources.
Proof the alleged attack is false.
Filing a false police report is a CRIME
POTUS has already seated more federal judges than Hussein did
Show me on the doll where the priest touched you, Anon.
Or state some biblical/historical knowledge. Either, really.
Never happen. Mob Rules? No. Just no.
Yeah. He's in Torment now, awaiting hell.
The Q is being raised? Sweet
They've always wanted to take Israel, yes. Hence Islam. Hence the Crusades.
>That the Bible was written by the controlling families as a means of control.
Exactly wrong.
Post is clearly leaning right. Neocon post.
The blaze in his eyes that Friday night when he opened argument was magnificent
There is no "two party system". The way the game is run, there are naturally two parties that garner the most support. There will be a dozen or so parties that put Presidential nominees on the ballot.
Daily Reminder that all political parties are private businesses.
I could see Lou lurking here
The black pope, head of the Jesuits, became the white pope