Anonymous ID: 0202c6 Jan. 30, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.4966846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6867 >>6929 >>7108 >>7202

Globalists hammering Canada hard


First this: The Conservative Opposition is accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of trying to bribe Canadian media to secure favourable media coverage in the run-up to next year's federal election.


The accusations came a day after Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced in the fall economic update that the government was introducing $600 million in tax credits and incentives to help the media industry over the next five years.


"Justin Trudeau thinks it is the job of the media to shower him with praise and coincidentally, in an election year, he's forcing Canadian taxpayers to dole out $600 million in order to try and buy Trudeau the media's support as he goes to the polls," Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre told reporters Thursday.

"When the media, or media organizations, or in fact, individual journalist jobs are dependent on government subsidies that is the antithesis​​ of a free and independent press,



Now this: Canadian government implimenting program to teach Canadians how to spot "fake news"


To enhance citizen preparedness, the Government of Canada is implementing a Critical Election Incident Public Protocol ahead of the 2019 General Election. This is a simple, clear and non-partisan process for informing Canadians if serious incidents threaten the integrity of the 2019 General Election. It would be used to respond to egregious incidents that meet a high threshold, occurring during the writ period, and that do not fall within Elections Canada’s areas of responsibility for the effective administration of the election.


In addition, the Government is dedicating $7M towards digital, news and civic literacy programming. Helping Canadians better understand online deceptive practices can reduce the impact of efforts by malicious actors.


The Government will support skills development, awareness sessions, workshops and learning material for Canadians. These activities would help citizens to:


critically assess online news reporting and editorials;

recognize how and when malicious actors exploit online platforms; and,

acquire skills on how to avoid being susceptible to online manipulation.



So, the lying government is taking great measures to buy off the press, crush the independent press, and program us to believe their lies……


Yeah, Orwellian…

Election this year in October. Pray for us patriots, we are on the verge of losing Canada as we have known it - The true north - Strong and free

Anonymous ID: 0202c6 Jan. 30, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.4967183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202

Ocasio-Cortez: Billionaires Like Howard Schultz Should "Work Their Way Up"

Well, isn`t this rich. A bartender who became a congressman, who has no political experience what so ever, telling a billionaire businessman he needs to work his way up….


Referring to former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's bid for President in 2020, the former bartender and Bernie Sanders 2016 organizer tweeted on Wednesday: "Why don’t people ever tell billionaires who want to run for President that they need to “work their way up” or that “maybe they should start with city council first”?"