Baked Bread:
>To accept donations is never wrong, it is free association the foundation of captitalism. To accept PAYMENT to skew the message or work against their own principles, that is a PAYtriot.
Do you even know what you typed idiot. DERP
Muh business gives stuff away hoping for donations cuz charging money and selling stuff is wrong DERPIDITY DERP
If someone writes something I don't agree with, they're skewing the message and evil DERP cuz people who research for a living DERP muh donations DERP
Fuck the IQ here during the day is painfully low
>Whatever you say Alex…
That's not an argument you pathetic little shit! It's a fucking ad-hominem attack. I know I know, accusing half-wits of engagining in ad-hominem is like telling Kamala Harris she's a slut.
Roger Stome has been involved in presidential administrations since Nixon fuck face. He was one of the KEY people who convinced Trump to run. Stop drooling on yourself and do try to do something more than fap in front of the computer you stare at 18 hours a day.
I know you can't fix stupid.
(And YES MY ad-hominem is on purpose, thanks for noticing)