Anonymous ID: 05b5d9 Jan. 30, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.4966595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6604

Baked Bread:


>To accept donations is never wrong, it is free association the foundation of captitalism. To accept PAYMENT to skew the message or work against their own principles, that is a PAYtriot.

Do you even know what you typed idiot. DERP

Muh business gives stuff away hoping for donations cuz charging money and selling stuff is wrong DERPIDITY DERP

If someone writes something I don't agree with, they're skewing the message and evil DERP cuz people who research for a living DERP muh donations DERP

Fuck the IQ here during the day is painfully low



>Whatever you say Alex…

That's not an argument you pathetic little shit! It's a fucking ad-hominem attack. I know I know, accusing half-wits of engagining in ad-hominem is like telling Kamala Harris she's a slut.

Roger Stome has been involved in presidential administrations since Nixon fuck face. He was one of the KEY people who convinced Trump to run. Stop drooling on yourself and do try to do something more than fap in front of the computer you stare at 18 hours a day.

I know you can't fix stupid.



(And YES MY ad-hominem is on purpose, thanks for noticing)

Anonymous ID: 05b5d9 Jan. 30, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.4966739   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Her parents risked life and limb to escape the communism of Ho Chi Mihn and bring her to the bastion of liberty and freedom, only to have her indoctrinated and subsumed by the anti-human ideologies of cultural marxism. Twice betrayed by the same government.


Anonymous ID: 05b5d9 Jan. 30, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.4966814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Having Venezuela become a failed Narco state with all of the vast mineral and oil riches in such hands would a very bad thing.

I can talk libertarian policy all day, but I rather suspect that FARC/Iran/China don't give a fuck about such things, and a power vacuum over Venezuela will pull in the worst of the worst.

Anonymous ID: 05b5d9 Jan. 30, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.4967070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Childbirth is the single most dangerous event to both mother mother and child universally. The US has morbidity and mortality rates far worse than other first world countries.


That's because we include EVERYONE in these stats to make them look bad. The change occured under Clinton to help push Hitlery's health scare.

We include illegals/mothers who are ill/drug addicts/alcoholics among other identifiable variables which any statistician would exclude because of the skew they cause.

The media did not discuss the change under Clinton (surprise!) and a few DS "peer reviewed" articles made a shoddy, disingenuous attempt to justify it (i.e. "It's all good as long as our analysis is internally [U.S. region coherence] consistent." However, one of the purposes of the statistics for the public is comparisons with other nations, and no effort was made to publish results for that purpose, and the reports are published in such a manner as to make such corrections difficult from the data published). Bush didn't want to be called a racist for undoing this.

Anonymous ID: 05b5d9 Jan. 30, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.4967262   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"I thought Trump was going to get us our of foreign entanglements not into them."

Trump is a pragmatist, it ties into his border security policy, and ties up the resources of the war pigs while keeping the MICC (military industrial congressional complex) happy.

There is no fucking way that Trump could dismantle the MICC and the War Pigs in 8 years. Even an absolute dictator would have great difficulty doing so without getting assasinated.

I would much prefer that such resources be used to attempt to stabilize the nations of central and South America then be used to create a Greater Israel, or poke at Russia. Further Trump might even be able to undo a bit of the damage done since the Monroe Doctrine/Spanish-American war, as the criminality of those past mercantalist/Cold War policies recruited/created more communists than they erradictated. A Pinochet-light "El Jeffe" in Venezuela is preferable to a failed Narco state aligned with Iran and China in Venezuela.(Reeeee! all you want, Chile is economically stable, low in external debt, has clear organic economic growth, and solid property rights)