This represents open PAPER interest in Gold and Silver at the COMEX.
It has dropped since Nov and stays low even with the tech signals it has given yesterday and the FOMC news.
This is exactly what it did in the run-up to the '08 crash.
This is the system protecting itself from giving a larger signal.
Keep the open interest low by suppressing the price at any cost.
In the run-up after 2009 the margin, or borrowing requirements to maintain open positions, were raised constantly. This made sure that if the requirements were not made the open positions were liquidated thus removing additional delivery demand.
See the Hunt Brother's in late 70's-early 80's
They tried to corner the physical market however the big mistake they made was using COMEX paper to put moar pressure on the system and force delivery.
The COMEX just kept raising the maintenance cost to carry the paper contracts and eventually the Hunt brother's were forced to liquidate physical. It cleaned them out of the delivery aspect of the paper they held.