Many of you have said that I am EW. That is amusing. I took that into the lodge and the grandfathers laughed, and said ‘I guess that makes you a hermaphrodite?’ Many have said this is a LARP. A lie and fantasy. LARP’ers - They are the paid Gatekeepers of the New World Order… I am neither. Those are the ways of the Red hair and I have much pity for them and I forgive them.
All I can tell you of EW is she is a Politician. They are masters of control and division. Wisdom cloaked in half truths. They are inverted as well. They are lost because they have no mothers or fathers to teach them the path of ‘a true human being’ fortitude, honesty and long suffering.
Women cannot be Sun Dancers. They do try. They have their own lodge of the Moon which is FAR MORE powerful that the warriors lodge. But it to have been corrupted and the power of the Moon Lodge no longer taught. Many young women search for Grandmothers to teach them. This is the corrosive thread that has woven into our system of values and culture.
Men learn from the men, and the women from the women. That is the Natural order of things. That is difficult to hear. That is how the Great Spirt made the world.
Corrupted with chemicals, this world but I will tell you more of Chemicals Later. Blending the sex’s so that so we all resemble the holly woods god…
All I can say for now: Not only watch the water, but don’t drink it. The scared clown spirits know, they come around the lodge with their tricks… amuse us more.
As only now the Paytriots are in full retreat. We laugh at them as they flee with the false narrative and division. A lesson the Q god tried to teach. Did you hear the message? The Paytriots are cowards, they are liars and deceivers. They are spiders spinning a false Web. I pity them and I will pray for them.
Young braves the native way, is the pathway of a true human being. We are neither: white, nor black, red, nor yellow. We are all a mix, mongrels- all blood lines have been corrupted.
The native way is one of Unity. That is why in the Grand Entrances of our POW WOWs we welcome all peoples. Those that say the NATIVE PATH is only for Indians. Are liars, deceives and diversionists.
That is why it is not proper to tell another man what to do. That is narrative control, the way of the red hair. It is the way of slavery. Ways that go against free speech. That is why they reset our trip codes each time we post, delete our posts …they fear what I am about to tell you.
There is no one left to teach so I will tell you what I know. Young braves grow your hair long. The Thule’s, learned it from us and it is a way of canceling out their power- much power in long hair. All young men should not cut their hair, let it go long.
…I am a no hair
One of the great white fathers, a man I have followed all my life has said ‘peace through trade’. The Wisdom in the Tomahawk is twofold. We can live together in peace smoking the pipe and enjoying the bounty of the lands or we can kill each other off.
That is what some of the great white fathers are planning. They are planning to kill off the 7th generation, in a war. I cannot permit that.
…We will hide them.
And so we dance, and beat the drum. One Drum, One Heart, One People. The message in the drums echoes in your great halls. Even now the message of ‘Peace through strength and mutual respect’ is reverberating in the copper lines and into your lodges. You cannot stop it, it is all around us.
…the power of the drum, the heat beat, of a true human being.
Tesla heard the truth and the message in the RED ORE, the copper. But I will save that for another time.
Some have said that the Eagle is a symbol of freedom. That is only a half truth. The Eagle is a symbol of UNITY. That is our Great White Father- Trump- has been using it.
I was taught to judge a man or a woman by their actions. By theirs fruits you shall know them. By what you say and what they do, your actions- and what you choose every day… weather you will be a good man or not. You will stand righteous in action and in thought before your creator or not. Now is the time of choice. But this old Indian has made his choice.
…This is my word bond; this is my death face, that is my Ghost dance…
We come for you New World Order, you hear the drums? So delete this post…control then narrative you have made your choice.