Anonymous ID: c5b8af Jan. 30, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.4968743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some nerd news:

‘They were planning on stealing the election’: Explosive new tapes reveal Cambridge Analytica CEO’s boasts of voter suppression, manipulation and bribery


Cambridge Analytica was the tip of the iceberg: openDemocracy is working hard to expose more secret influencers and their dark-money backers. We have many more leads to chase down.

‘They were planning on stealing the election’: Explosive new tapes reveal Cambridge Analytica CEO’s boasts of voter suppression, manipulation and bribery

Paul Hilder 28 January 2019


Previously unknown recording reveals extraordinary ‘black ops’ on three continents – exploiting weaknesses in democracies left wide open by governments and Silicon Valley.


Alexander Nix, weeks before Channel 4 News screened its fatal investigation. Image: Christian Charisius/DPA.


“I worked at Cambridge Analytica while they had Facebook datasets. I went to Russia one time while I worked for Cambridge. I visited Julian Assange while I worked for Cambridge. I once donated to WikiLeaks. I pitched the Trump campaign and wrote the first contract. All of these things make it look like I am at the centre of some big, crazy thing. I see that, and I can’t argue with that. The only thing that I’ve got going for me is that I didn’t do anything wrong. So they can search everything that they want!”

