Anonymous ID: 19e0e2 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.4970308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0319 >>0397

by Benjamin Fulford, January 28th, 2019


The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying as the satanic ruling Western cabal is cornered, dangerous, and literally fighting for its life. The cabal are now fighting desperately to stay in power by stealing the oil reserves of Venezuela, because they are doomed if they lose control of the financial system and thus their ability to hire protection. More and more whistleblowers are coming out and confirming that they really do torture and murder children, and continue to try to murder the majority of the Earth’s population.


For example, the British newspaper The Guardian is now confirming what we have long been reporting, which is that HIV/AIDS was deliberately spread in an attempt to depopulate Africa.


Years ago we reported that a Dr. Michael Meiring told us that he, together with polio vaccine pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk, participated in the spreading of HIV by inserting it into polio vaccines given to 2 million Africans. The initial geography of the breakout of HIV/AIDS in Africa corresponds precisely with the geography of the polio vaccination campaign. We will not get into it again here in detail, but we assure you that ebola, SARS, avian influenza, etc. were also deliberately spread as a part of this depopulation agenda.


We are also hearing from more whistleblowers who describe how members of the Western ruling elite sacrifice children as part of their worship of Ba’al, otherwise known as Moloch, Set, Satan, etc. We will discuss a couple of the latest gruesome revelations below, but first let us look at the ongoing global power struggle.


In their latest gambit, the satanic Khazarian mafia is now trying to preserve its control of the petrodollar-based financial system by seizing the oil reserves of Venezuela. Self-described Satanist Leo Zagami is calling on all Freemasons to back “opposition leader Freemason Juan Guaido” as president fighting for “Freemasonry and Christianity,” against the communist Pope Francis and the “communist Jesuits.”


Venezuela has 303 billion barrels worth of oil, the world’s largest oil reserves, and its efforts to remove this oil from the Khazarian mafia’s petrodollar system is the real reason for the attempt to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.


In fact, the failure to overthrow Maduro is a “fall of the Berlin Wall” type of moment for the Khazarian mafia. As Pentagon sources explain, “the Neocon coup against Maduro failed, as the U.S. military, the Vatican, Mexico the EU, South Africa, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, India, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and other nations don’t go along.” Also, “Brazil and Colombia refuse to invade or allow use of their bases, there is no UN recognition of puppet Guaido, and even the Organization of American States failed (16 out of 34) to get enough votes.” It should also be noted that Russia sent nuclear bombers to protect Venezuela, and elite bodyguards to protect Maduro.


This whole operation, by the way, has been run by convicted Iran Contra criminal Elliott Abrams, Senator Marco Rubio, and the satanist crime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.


This move against Venezuela comes as the admittedly undemocratic EU has struck another blow at the Khazarian petrodollar system by designating Saudi Arabia as a terror-funding country. This announcement comes as the EU has come up with a special purpose vehicle to avoid Khazarian-led sanctions against Iran.


This brings us to the arrest by Canada of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou “for committing fraud” by lying to American banks about her company’s ties to a telecommunications firm that did business in Iran “in a breach of sanctions on Iran.” Canada’s Zionist-slave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was forced to fire Canada’s ambassador to China because the ambassador told the truth by mentioning, among other things, that Canada did not even support the “Iran sanctions” to which the arrest was supposedly tied.