It won't matter very soon anyway. When people get the truth that you have been eating these fetus the baby lunches will stop being provided. Noe go on and get ready for Judges.
Who else understands the word human trafficking? Another term is slaves. These slaves can now get pregnant in NY and be forced to give last second consent to abort. Ritual killing in full form accomplished. Sick and genius at the same time. No wonder there was a roar of applause.
>> Q is the only source of info we need. Nothing else necessary.
Speak for yourself. I'll spread my wings. You can stay in the cocoon.
Wow. The shill card. Question everything got lost in there? Disinfo lost on you? Check sources? careful who you follow doesn't mean follow NOBODY BUT ME.You may not be a shill but you are the highest ranking retard.
Comes to qresearch to discuss flat earth after Q, the subject of the entire board, said in a Qand A that the earth is not flat. you just can't make this shit up. why do they do that? Slider.