SOPCAK: Basically, I get extremely fundamental once I make the statement that nothing exists in the entire universe except electromagnetic vibrational frequencies viewed from that plane of observation, that's it. There's nothing else. Then what you get into is diseases as vibrational densities. The problem is to raise the vibrational frequency of those densities, and then the body will return itself to normal. Diseases no longer exist. Now, when you get into a lot of these other therapies, oxygen therapies, there is no doubt that at times they do work, and at times they do not. They've got to work better that 30% of the time to be sure you're past that positive placebo effect. The other assumption is that all oxygen has the sam vibrational frequency, and that's not necessarily true. The same is true with ozone therapy. That's another form of oxygen therapy, as is hydrogen peroxide. One of my observations about hydrogen peroxide is that it is an unstable molecule, yet everybody says this is H2 O2 and the only way this can go is to H2O plus oxygen. If you look at that, it can go to 20H radicals, and it does many, many times. In fact, this molecule is so unstable that some of the measurements were actually to prove that this thing can change from water to H2O plus oxygen and back to 20H radicals. It can do that as many as 14 times a second. It is that unstable. If people do take it successfully, they should continue to take it obviously, but it may just be the placebo effect, or they may have an oxygen there that has a frequency high enough to raise the frequency of these densities in the body we call diseases, which then can no longer exist.