Anonymous ID: 4fd91b Jan. 30, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.4970096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SOPCAK: Basically, I get extremely fundamental once I make the statement that nothing exists in the entire universe except electromagnetic vibrational frequencies viewed from that plane of observation, that's it. There's nothing else. Then what you get into is diseases as vibrational densities. The problem is to raise the vibrational frequency of those densities, and then the body will return itself to normal. Diseases no longer exist. Now, when you get into a lot of these other therapies, oxygen therapies, there is no doubt that at times they do work, and at times they do not. They've got to work better that 30% of the time to be sure you're past that positive placebo effect. The other assumption is that all oxygen has the sam vibrational frequency, and that's not necessarily true. The same is true with ozone therapy. That's another form of oxygen therapy, as is hydrogen peroxide. One of my observations about hydrogen peroxide is that it is an unstable molecule, yet everybody says this is H2 O2 and the only way this can go is to H2O plus oxygen. If you look at that, it can go to 20H radicals, and it does many, many times. In fact, this molecule is so unstable that some of the measurements were actually to prove that this thing can change from water to H2O plus oxygen and back to 20H radicals. It can do that as many as 14 times a second. It is that unstable. If people do take it successfully, they should continue to take it obviously, but it may just be the placebo effect, or they may have an oxygen there that has a frequency high enough to raise the frequency of these densities in the body we call diseases, which then can no longer exist.

Anonymous ID: 4fd91b Jan. 30, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.4970220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ACRES U.S.A.: In other words, you have a cash cow in cancer?


SOPCAK: You certainly do. So you have people going through the motion of looking for an answer to cancer, but they're not really going to find it. When you get into chemotherapy, that's an interesting thing. General chemotherapy has never been approved by the FDA as a therapy for cancer. Chemotherapy is being used under what they call the rule of probable cause because the side effects of chemotherapy are so drastic you couldn't get it past their normal double-blind studies.


ACRES U.S.A.: How is it that the healing profession is allowed to use it then, and how is it that they're allowed to execute people routinely that way, not in just ones or twos, but in great numbers, whereas at the same time anyone who pretends to use some kind of an herb or vitamin therapy, and has maybe lost a patient once a decade, is proscribed and sent to jail?


SOPCAK: Well, what you get into is the fact that the medical profession is a monopoly, or a cartel, and they're in control. They're to the point that if they don't approve something, then their enforcement arm, the FDA, swings into action. If you don't endure the routine it takes to get FDA approval, then of course, you're out. And the healing arts are going to continue using allopathic medicines to treat cancer. It's common knowledge, and it has been published in many studies by universities, that more people in the United States die of chemotherapy than die of cancer. They sit back and tell you, We've got half a million deaths a year from cancer, but they don't tell you that there are more than that from chemotherapy.


ACRES U.S.A.: They don't count the ones who expire because of chemotherapy?


SOPCAK: Well, they do, but they don't tell you about them. They usually call it renal failure, or heart attack, or many other things that come about from chemotherapy. There are a myriad of studies out there to support what I'm saying. Let me go back to the rule of probable cause. What that rule states is that the medical profession can use experimental drugs as long as the side effects are no worse that the end effect of the disease. Now if anybody came up with even a partial cure for cancer, they could never again use chemotherapy under the rule of probable cause. That's why anybody who couples the word cure with cancer, like saying "a cancer cure," will have the wrath of the entire medical profession to deal with. They don't like that. If you go into any medical office, and talk to any doctor or hospital staffer, you'll find that every bottle of chemotherapy has stamped right across the face of it, FOR EXPERIMENTAL USE ONLY. They've been using chemotherapy in the United States since 1911.


ACRES U.S.A.: We're still experimenting?


SOPCAK: Still experimenting, and it still doesn't work. And of course, about 1972, Kettering et al were charged with controlling cancer research in the entire United States - Which means most of the world now. they made a conscious decision at that time that they would do research on nothing except chemotherapy.


ACRES U.S.A.: Well, of course, we've never had double-blind studies on open-heart surgery either?


SOPCAK: No, you sure haven't.