Anonymous ID: abab56 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.4970278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gallo is second fiddle,

everyone else are scraps.

Go higher, not lower.

"5 mile" was to obfuscate.

Encompass enough to be chaotic,

less then half.

They're public, not hidden, not a secret.

What paints the picture are the relationships.


But if we can't map the industry itself,

the relationships have gaps.

The pillars


Pic related.

We know what the keystone is.

Opus One.

What is Bo'az?

Side with the sun, light, public, known.

this will help a bit.

Keep going, doing great.


With this,

Sea to shining sea

sex druggs and rock and roll

will become clearer.