Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.4969733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9791 >>9848 >>9883

Once again, in the name of Truth and the psychology of censorship, I'm going to talk about Flat Earth. (trigger the shills!)


But in all seriousness, why, if flat earth is as stupid as people claim it is, is there such a concerted effort to debunk (without using science), ridicule, defame, and censor Flat Earth videos, along with 9/11 conspiracy related videos? If it is in fact so dumb?


When do TPTB and YT decide to censor material?


Q has mentioned several times the consistent attitude and manner in which YT and FB and other social platforms attempt to thwart or suppress information they deem "controversial" or "borderline" content.


Borderline for who? Who decides? Why is a discussion about the shape of the planet so taboo? Why are we not allowed to talk about a thing that presumably can not be altered?


The video provided is another example of blatant censorship and information control. All for a larp? This was posted Jan. 25, 2019. Why are they spending so much time, energy, money, and manpower to keep people from reviewing this subject matter?


Those who would pretend that Flat Earth research is a conspiracy narrative pushed by the opposition (Deep State), then why would they want to pull back on their own misleading material, when it seems to be working exactly as predicted?


Similar to pro-Trump, or MAGA, or Republican sentiments shared by the FAKE NEWS… these ideas and conversations are stymied and banished. Why?


*cue the ridicule!

Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.4969786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9808

Here is another example of funds, energy, and manpower being spent on something as "stupid" as "Flat earth" so people do not fall prey to the insidiousness of planetary shape discussions… oh tha horror!


This videos specifically targets the Millennial mindset. Why?


Was 9/11 conspiracy videos all for a larp? Is Q a larp? The Fake News makes this assertion daily. If the fake news is telling you "there's nothing to see here" when it comes to the dreaded planetary shape discussions (PSDs) then are they reserving the realness for this topic alone?

Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.4969859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9920


Interesting authoritative claim. Care to show any *proof of this claim?


Flat Earth has been around for thousands of years. Thousands. Why now, with the plethora of readily available technology is Flat Earth discussion such a viable threat to the safety and sanity of mankind?


Are you suggesting that Flat Earth discussion tip the scales unfavorably for conspiracy theorists?


If this is so then, you're suggesting conspiracy theorists were just about to get they day in the sun, until "stupid" flat earth came along and ruined it. This position is out of step with logic. It is not logically under any estimation to believe that Flat Earth discussions are ruining it for the Deep State investigators. In case you don't recall, conspiracy theorists have been on the chopping block well before the Flat Earth conversation arrived on YT.


Please, if you can, clarify.

Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.4969931   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One consistent theme is the inability for those who demean and ridicule the Flat Earth topic, is the ability to use the term "flat earth"….


Instead the ridiculers often state terms such as 'flattard', 'FE', ("flatturf" as you've suggested) to dissuade readers (or bots I can't decide which, probably both) from engaging in the discussion.


This is in step with psychological control tactics.


Was that your intent?


You stated 9/11 conspiracy videos

were larps, to discredit those that weren't.


What conspiracy was discredited by 9/11 and Flat Earth videos? Please explain. Thanks.

Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.4970041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0126 >>0219


This is, in my estimation, a great example of the ridicule I expected and mentioned would be forthcoming. Thank you for contribution.


It helps others see the scope of the control parameters and what tactics are used to derail the discussion of Flat Earth.


Furthermore, I've noticed you've also used the FE moniker to address the term Flat Earth. This is a common practice for those who seem triggered by a discussion involving the shape of the planet. Was it your attempt to use the photograph, tone, and (FE) labeling as a way to thwart any discussion of flat earth?


Did I interpret you correctly? Please advise.


Thank you fellow Anon.

Anonymous ID: b01122 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.4970152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I appreciate your understanding and clarification in regards to the Flat Earth discussion.


As you've probably noted, I've used little my energy to develop an argument for Flat Earth. I only offer it here, to fellow Anons, as a litmus test for censorship.


As we all well know, Q, and Q followers are under constant attack from those who claim to know the truth, own the truth, and decide for others what the truth will be.


For an informed citizenry, and for those who support the basic premise of the Q movement, it is important to recognize the base forms of censorship wherever they may arrive, and in whatever form.


I fully agree, for adults, who are of free will, "no topics should be off limits." And further, I agree these topics should stand or fall of their own". Which brings me back full circle.


If there is no proof Flat Earth, or 9/11, or conspiracy, or JFK videos (a common fall-back grassy knoll reference when attempting to discuss conspiracies) do any harm to conspiracy theorists, because let's face facts, conspiracy theorists are ridiculed at every turn for their information and belief, then why the need to censor these videos? They only harm those who attempt to claim conspiracy. Censoring those videos and discussions only causes a Streisand's effect in most cases.


If the fake news tells you flat earth is "stupid" "bonkers" and the like. Are they reserving the real news for this topic alone?