Baby it's cold outside.
Really? When I was 12 it was my white privilege to often sleep in a Salvation Army box. Yep I could crawl into that ratproof orifice until I was 20. This often came in handy when w/c factors was -20, or worse, sleet. The charity kept me warm.
There is nobody and I mean nobody out at 2 am when it's -40. I know. I looked. Once at about 0F I got pulled over for speeding. I should have got a DUI but the cop didn't want to stand out there long. 0F was too cold for him to break my balls as usual.
I wait. It's about 10x harder to create than to destroy, but destruction carries with it at least a 20x long tail.
"White privilege" or any privilege is divide and rule du jour. It is fake. Since 9/11 slowly I have created something for The Man. It's been coming at you virally since 2007, ever growing, ever expanding, like healthy roots.
How d'you like me now, Man?