Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.4969658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9675

Polar vortex causes massive 21-car pile-up on upstate NY highway (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Published time: 31 Jan, 2019 00:10


Treacherous winter storm conditions caused a 21-car pileup on a highway in upstate New York, east of Batavia, forcing the entire interstate to close for several hours. One of the vehicles involved was a State Police car.

New York State Police are on the scene investigating and assisting drivers involved in the grisly accident that took place in the eastbound lanes of Interstate Route 90. The crash happened around 2 pm local time, between Batavia and Rochester in Genesee County.


One of the cars was a State Police cruiser. The officer was reported injured but his life is not threatened. The condition of other drivers was not immediately known


A travel advisory was issued for Genesee County on Wednesday afternoon. Video from nearby roads reveals the whiteout conditions in which the crash took place.


The freakishly cold, snowy weather besieging much of the northern US comes from the polar vortex, a mass of cold air normally found around the Arctic Circle that occasionally breaks apart to send icy devastation southward.

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.4969818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jury awards Senator Rand Paul $582,000+ in damages over attack

Published time: 31 Jan, 2019 00:14

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A Kentucky jury has awarded Senator Rand Paul more than $582,000 in damages in a civil suit against his neighbor, Rene Boucher, who admitted to attacking him in November 2017 over a dispute involving lawn waste. The Republican senator, who suffered six broken ribs and underwent hernia surgery following the attack, seemed pleased with the verdict, tweeting “It’s never ok to turn those disagreements into violent, aggressive anger. I hope that’s the message from today.” While Boucher pleaded guilty to the assault in federal court and has already served 30 days in jail, plus a $10,000 fine and 100 hours community service, Paul filed the civil suit to deter him from committing further violence, explaining “you just can’t let people get away with this kind of stuff.”

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.4969858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892

Opposition protesters fill streets of Venezuelan capital

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CARACAS, Venezuela — Jan 30, 2019, 7:19 PM ET


Venezuelans of every age, class and profession poured into the streets of the capital on Wednesday to demand that President Nicolas Maduro step down and to express their support for the young opposition leader who has declared himself interim president.


Dressed in suits, scrubs, and jeans, they waved the national flag, displayed signs, and chanted slogans. One disgusted vendor threw devalued national currency into the air.


Protesters who made an appearance were heeding a call from opposition leader Juan Guaido to stage mass demonstrations despite crackdowns on previous protests.


Here are some scenes from across Caracas:




Marching outside an office building on the eastern side of the city, Evelyn Melendez carried a red-and-white sign that read, "No more dictatorship," and sang songs opposing Maduro.


Melendez said she lives in a working-class neighborhood at the opposite end of the city, but she is too afraid to protest near her home, because in her neighborhood she has already been beaten up by government supporters for canvassing for an opposition party.


"Things are very tough here," said the 23-year-old Melendez, who wore a black T-shirt and baseball cap. "People are dying of hunger and over the lack of medicines. We hope that Maduro, the usurper, steps down from the presidency and stops causing harm to our people."



Leyda Brito turned up at one of Wednesday's protests wearing a red helmet with the number 647. It stands for the number of days that have passed since a group of pensioners was gassed by Venezuelan police during a protest in 2017.


Brito, 60, said she is struggling to live off her pension, which is roughly $10 a month. She said she was particularly frustrated by the Venezuelan government's refusal to accept international humanitarian aid.


"Maduro is a tyrant," Brito said. "We need a transition here and we need free elections."



A woman who identified herself as Josefina arrived at one of the protest points in Caracas holding a thick wad of bolivar bills.


The notes were issued early last year by Venezuela's Central Bank but hyperinflation has rendered them worthless. Josefina, who lives in a hillside slum and works as a street vendor, threw the green bills up in the air in protest, as she screamed out chants against Maduro's government.


"This money is worth nothing," said Josefina, who declined to give her last name for fear of repercussions from the government.


"Our military needs to man up and take the peoples' side," she said, referring to the military's ongoing support of Maduro.


Josefina is hopeful that the economy will improve if Guaido becomes the country's president. "Maduro has no support in my neighborhood," she said.



Construction company owner Pedro Cruz attended a walkout Wednesday with a half-dozen of his employees.


Carrying a large Venezuelan flag, Cruz said further repression of protests was likely in the upcoming days, but he is hopeful that the United States and more than two dozen other countries supporting Guaido will be able to put pressure on Maduro and force him to hold transparent elections.


"We have been under the occupation of Cuba for too long," Cruz said, referring to the country's close ties to the communist-run island. Cuba's late president Fidel Castro traded favors and sustained a long friendship with the late socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.


"But we have to be optimistic," Cruz added. "We have the support of many countries, and that could help us reach a solution."



Wearing a white medical jacket over surgical scrubs, anesthesiologist Hugo Rosillo led a team of doctors and nurses to the street to protest in front of a once-renowned children's hospital that he said now feels more like a "storeroom for cadavers."


Rosillo said he has some hope for the country given Guaido's push to form a transitional government.


"We are facing the biggest crossroads that we have had since the revolution," Rosillo said.


A change needs to come soon. Rosillo said medical shortages have prevented doctors from treating curable illnesses at the J.M. de los Rios Children's Hospital, located just blocks from the Miraflores presidential palace.


He said medical personnel have been unable to provide basic antibiotics to treat common infections or relief to families whose children have cancer and other life-threatening diseases.


"And we the doctors are frustrated and immigrating to other countries," he said.

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 4:46 p.m. No.4969925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0301


almost too much for normies… but hell we gotta get them awake………… NO APOLOGIZE



gotta go post on twitter now brb


always a bit afraid to scare followers away before they get the whole message however, more and more they are talking about it, posting articles

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 5 p.m. No.4970097   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pray tell what dirt do you have on this guy, this is my province and i would love to take on my government


I've already challenged him on fake climate (carbon tax) change, which was fun cause all his cronies came out defending him so I got to battle a bunch of them at one time


Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:02 p.m. No.4970134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Donald Trump is considering asking the FBI to review its policies after the agency’s highly-publicized, militarized raid on the home of longtime Trump associate Roger Stone early Friday morning.


The president told The Daily Caller in an exclusive Oval Office interview Wednesday that he was “speaking for a lot of people that were very disappointed to see that go down that way. To see it happen where it was on camera, on top of it. That was a very, very disappointing scene.”


Trump added that he would “think about” asking the FBI to review its use of force.


The president also said that it was “very interesting” to compare the FBI’s investigation of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting to the resources expended on the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.4970162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pelosi Suffers Devastating Loss As Another Billionaire DUMPS Democratic Party





link to full story:

Anonymous ID: e24029 Jan. 30, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.4970370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coincidence? Venezuela Green Lights Russia to Mine Gold, Days Later US Attempts Overthrow

Venezuela? It's sitting on a mountain of gold and oil


The decades-long US infatuation with Venezuela came to a head on Wednesday as the United States, Canada, Brazil, and others all declared a man who never even ran for the office of presidency, much less got elected to the office, as the president of Venezuela.


On Wednesday, Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez took a public oath of office and swore himself in as the President of Venezuela. He assumed this office with zero democratic process—essentially making himself a dictator—and was immediately declared legitimate by Washington.


This move by Washington to recognize Guaidó as the official president is a page out of the book they’ve used over the last two decades to invade and destroy countries like Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The exact same rhetoric from the bipartisan warmongers in DC is being put out once more as shills like Marco Rubio threaten all out war. All of the sudden, Trump’s haters are coming together in solidarity, seething with their warmongering mucus over the potential for a Venezuelan conflict.


For those who don’t remember, nearly the exact same tactics were used just before the US invaded Libya and turned this bastion of hope in Africa into a terror-infused hell-state in which human slaves are now openly sold in public.