Nice decode Anon… "Boo" Radley– of course.
Come[y] has become quite the theater buff lately hasn't he?
Nice decode Anon… "Boo" Radley– of course.
Come[y] has become quite the theater buff lately hasn't he?
Come[y]'s theatre references just make me think of lincoln assasination/ john wilkes booth, who was likely also part of the [y] club
it would appear that we are living in the environment described in 2 Tim 3:1-5. The question is are we also living in the times Daniel described here:
Daniel 11:32? "But those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits."
Noice find, Anon… this is an important confrontation. Looks like the battle lines are being drawn more than ever, which means t's time to go from "shutdown" to "showdown"
Completely agree Anon
Check this, in attached Q post he points us to joe digenova's article in which he describes Come[y]'s internal FBI nickname as the "Cardinal" (a cardinal level in the [y] cult) and as an "assassin"
Agreed – I not partial to where things go either in those next few verses…
(sounds like a merry band of anons kicking butt and dealing with a bunch of shills)
Hilarious!! It really does sound like Anons destroying the shills in the true info war… too funny
Hmm… I think we are certainly in one of the seasons whereby God is separating the wheat from the tares on the global field. Maybe the environment/times we find ourselves in is a/the Fall of a Global Babylon… we are pulling it down…battle lines are being drawn and an epic ww showdown is certainly occurring. God defeinitely seems to be making another "open public display" even a mockery of evil– He seems to be pulling back the veil, exposing evil on an unprecedented scale
Yes the Superb Owl Event… very thought-provoking Anon. Great info-graphic. Lots of solid markers there– assassin, cardinal. The Owls and the [y] heads are surely the Prince of D's "brotherhood".
>Yes the Superb Owl Event… very thought-provoking Anon. Great info-graphic. Lots of solid markers there– assassin, cardinal. The Owls and the [y] heads are surely the Prince of D's "brotherhood".
Interesting Anon… Love your POV. I guess the main thing is that need to strive to be like, the tribe of Issachar, "men who had understanding of the times". I Chronicles 12:32
Always remembering that all prophecy isn't linear but it is rippling and echoing thru time/space.
Beautiful connection Anon…
TY Anon– fantastic info-map! Love it
Cheers Anon.. you are awesome
Well, we know one thing Jesus is the ultimate reality… and if God be for us, who could be against us?
Got it… ty again Anon. Mucho appreciated. Love the teamwork of the Band of Anons
Excellent eschatological timeline you've set forth here Anon. Between time marker 5 and 6, there are many important events. I keep thinking we are viewing/participating in a ww Fall of Babylon. As I mentioned earlier in conversation with Anon on this thread– God is pulling back the curtain on evil in what seems to be an unprecedented way…prophecy rippling thru time. Maybe it's a dress rehearsal for the final victory. Can't help but see that we are in a Kingdom Age, where Heaven is invading earth in any unparalleled way– a great harvest ww. Something reminiscent of Rev. 18
Way comfy in here tonight… where's all the shills?
Guess they' re all re-evaluating their failed "racial slur" strategy- kekekekekeke
In the Catholic Church, archbishops and bishops rank below cardinals. Becoming a bishop is the third and fullest level of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The first level is the ordination of a deacon, the second is the ordination of a priest, and the third is the ordination of a bishop.
Very dasting that Y head Come[y]/Coney would potentially rank higher in the cult than Epstein with his fake abomination Jerusalem Temple.
Who in the Cabal was visibly sidelined in Dec 17? McCabe? No Name was sidelined pretty hard in late 2017– the writing was on the wall for him pretty early on
I don't miss him that much! WHat a party-crasher, but it was quite funny. Hopefully we'll not conjure up the endless red copypasta –KEK kekekeke
Precisely.. T__TS & the whole thing " Qtard" thing.. at least it was creative…cracked me up.
Chief Micah… super funny
"Here's some folger's in your cup, buddy"
"When you check your next selfie, check yourself"
Great historical find, Anon– a colony founded on "Freedom of Conscience"
So true–kek! You know He's here among us. SO many believers in the movement, including POTUS & Q
He seems to have the MS 13 tattooing on his neck. Serious psychopathology
>they pretend to know that in fact nothing's really happening..when in fact these fuckin retards run around the board trying to make fun of good people and also trying to set same good people up because they can't stand the thought of not really understanding what's going on in here..
So true.. that crowd doesn't seem to understand what we are doing at all. However, there's some very sophisticated intel agency shilling deception ops happening here as well. Mixed with these other amateur nutters your referencing
Yes– them, the pol/acks– kekekeke
"IT" could be pointing to Int'l Trade and of course Info Technology
pointing us to Int'l TradeChina in DC negotiating trade w/ Mnuchin & the gang
Wow hoe did Q avoid using the pronoun "IT" in all those posts
True and good point– but there may be intrigue surrounding IT on some level
Good stuff Anon…referencing 33, 33 degrees, 33k emails. IT could be a crowdstrike reference?
Quite the linguistic feat on Q's part. Q isn't known to waste words….
Just drawing connections/correlations here… we have 666, we have Q post 666 written on Feb 5th 2018>1 yr delta from the SOTU 2/5/19
We also had sale of Black Forrest/Austria come up again. Their selling of their final piece of the Blk Forest announced 5 days ago.
All just data points to connect. Maybe Cabal will try to crash the markets just before or on the date of the SOTU??