Sorry, my VPN kicked out and switched my ID and everything.
I believe we are in a time before the Daniel passage, and where this anon said: "The good and evil are being made perfectly clear, and people are being forced to make a conscious choice. (paraphrased)"
I think we are headed for a big reveal with Q's operation, which will buy us a little time before the Tribulation period mentioned in those verses in Daniel. I don't think God is going to allow poeple to be lost, simply because our current Rulers confused, baffled, and deceived them. You have to make a conscious choice to support evil, in order to face judgement, in my opinion. I think this Q thing is leading up to a big reveal. I know a lot of church people who aren't 'evil,' they are just completely in the dark about what their political affiliations are actually doing in secret. This does make them stupid IMHO, but not intentionally wrong. We're being lied to 24/7, and That's why God still has them in a "grace period."