Anonymous ID: c19d33 Jan. 31, 2019, 3:03 a.m. No.4974608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4617 >>4630


He is some Eschatology for you to consider:


1) We are still living in the "Church Age" which is a parenthetical epoch of the timeline. The duration of the Church Age known only to the Father. No man knows the day or hour, nor do the angels know, or even the Son of Man. Father Father has reserved it to Himself.


2) We are in the final period of the Church Age, which is the Laodician period. It is a time when men will say, "I am rich, increased with possessions and have need of nothing". That has not happened yet. But is coming. When the Great Awakening has been realized, the entire world will then experience a season of prosperity and freedom which has never before been experienced by humanity. All nations will experience this.


3) The parenthetical age we are now living in is a timeline that was planned. It was an interruption of a previous timeline known as "Daniel's 70 Weeks". The 69th week concluded when Messiah the Prince was crucified. That event was a timeline interruption. The Second Temple was then destroyed.


4) The Resurrected Christ then inserted the Holy Spirit Comforter into the world to dwell inside and make alive the spirit of believing individuals. That happened at Pentecost and began the parenthetical timeline we now experience.


5) The Holy Spirit restrains the Mystery of Iniquity from manifesting in our world. Anti-Christ can not come until He who restrains is removed. When Holy Spirit is removed, all people that He indwells are removed with Him.


6) When Holy Spirit is removed from the world, that event concludes this parenthetical timeline. That event marks the end of the Church Age. It is the reversal of Pentecost.


7) When Father declares the Church Age completed, then the previous timeline recommences. That means Daniel's 70th Week begins to run its clock.The world will experience the events foretold for predetermined days, also known as "the Time of Jacob's Trouble", also known as "The Tribulation". Had those days not been shortened, no flesh on earth would have survived.