Regarding this post below, I think every politician, lobbying firm and abortion industry insiders pushing this insane idea on abortion are related in some way to the Clintons, the CF, or are beholden to them in some way. Since child trafficking is getting destroyed what’s the other ways the cabal can get baby bodies in a legal way?
How does the Colorado push to implement a popular vote tie in to this?
We know that these politicians pushing or signing these abortion laws are signing their own death warrant to lose in reelection, hence the next strategy up is CO pushing “popular vote” on state issues. I suspect that these two issues go together given we already know their major democrat voter fraud, ballot harvesting along with other methods.
So in addition to crazy abortion to birth, CO and other states are going to push hard for states popular vote measures. We already know that close to 70% of Americans agree that there should be a limits on abortion, and 50% are pro life.
If they pass the “popular vote” measure, these assholes want it to appear that the popular vote is to kill the unborn; but PP is losing the culture war, but not if they can get the popular vote. At that point PP can use the propaganda that most all citizens have no problem with this because if the popular vote.
PP are after all, losing the culture war, of the 100s of 1000s millennials that attended the pro life rally in DC. Only about 40k women attended the loony women’s march last month.
Another strategy is to influence 13-15 years by releasing a chat feature on phones the other day “to help these little girls, navigate sexual issues”?
Planned Parenthood Will Launch 10 New Video Chat Abortion Locations in 2018
Planned Parenthood chat gives undercover ‘teens’ unsafe advice on sex
By Kelli | April 6, 2018 , 10:1
Planned Parenthood’s New Sex Chat Bot Targets Young Teens, Gives Shocking Answers on Sex, Abortion, Relationships and More
PP, their minions and allies are taking a multi pronged approach at completely corrupting the next generation of voters, women and families. I wouldn’t be surprised if we can link more outrageous laws and social media designs to PP, abortionists et al. After all they make billions along with the universities that get grants from NIH (our money), pharma cos that develope drugs with baby tissue, dna etc. did you know that vaccines included aborted baby dna/tissues in them. Not only that the baby body part brokers make millions. This industry and all making money from it are working hard at changing our country and the world.
▶Anonymous (You) 01/30/19 (Wed) 22:39:48 6ca3d2 (5) No.4971999>>4972321 >>4972402 >>4972423 >>4972486 >>4972536 >>4972571 >>4972579 >>4972596 >>4972677
I think I’ve figured out why 3 states in last couple of days are pushing death laws on babies in the womb, it’s for Planned Parenthood’s survival. Follow me here.
Why are Dem States Pushing Late Term Abortions Up To The day of Birth? They can’t be serious right? No there’s a whole other despicable plan they have. What you say “states rights?”
Very simple Planned Parenthood has been losing the legal fight in states:
TX judge says David daleidon videos are not doctored
The heartbeat bill being passed in a couple states
Kasich can’t veto limits on abortions
Many other examples where states are winning for babies and life in the womb
So if you were PP what would you do to prevent states rights? Well you’d push an agenda that makes even Dr. Mengela look crazy! Why you ask, well the government and libertarian viewpoint has been, let’s give it back to the states to decide.
So PP gets this strategy together to make it look like states are the wild Wild West and this is what they will do if they decide on abortion:
NY a democrats state says, We will kill babies up to 40 weeks.
VA one ups NY, we’ll even kill babies after their born, after they are comfortable for a couple of hours.
The next democratic state will come out and say, why not up to two years, children are such a burden?
Instant, presto, the Federal courts overrule states rights and PP gets to argue in democrat federal courts where they have s lot of friends.
That’s the plan, that’s the strategy, meanwhile humanity is in anguish and rage about the evil ones.
But their plan is, they win this fight, to take away the states right to decide on abortion (and of course Planned Parenthood). They know there will be federal lawsuits, to challenge state against by federal law…there are limits you know.
The fiery rage they light up will be American citizens shouting “take away the states right to decide on abortion!”