Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.4975372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These letters have all been published in THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS OF RICHMOND by Herbert Ezekiel and Gaston Lichtenstein, 1917.


Hd. Qrs: Valley Mt:

29 Aug 1861


Rabbi M.J. Michelbacher,

Preacher Hebrew Congregation,

"House of Love" Richmond, Va:


Revd Sir


I have just received your letter of the 23d inst: requesting that a furlough from the 2nd to the 15th Sept. be granted to the soldiers of the Jewish persuasion in the C.S. Army, that they may participate in the approaching holy services of the Synagogue.


It would give me great pleasure to comply with a request to earnestly urged by you, & which I know would be so highly appreciated by that class of our soldiers. But the necessities of war admit of no relaxation of the efforts requisite for its success, nor can it be known on what day the presence of every man may be required. I feel assured that neither you or any member of the Jewish congregation would wish to jeopardize a cause you have so much at heart by the withdrawal even for a season of a portion of its defenders. I cannot therefore grant the general furlough you desire, but must leave to individuals to make their own applications to their Several Commanders, in the hope that many will be able to enjoy the privilege you seek for them. Should any be deprived of the opportunity of offering up their prayers according to the rites of their Church that their penitence may nevertheless be accepted by the Most High, & their petitions answered.


That your prayers for the success & welfare of our Cause may be granted by the Great Ruler of the universe is my ardent wish.


I have the honor to be, with high esteem,


Your obt' Servt.



Gen'l Commd.


Headquarters Army Northern Virginia

April 2, 1863


M. J. Michelbacher, Minister of Hebrew Congregation, Richmond, Va.




It will give me pleasure to comply with the request contained in your letter of the 30th ult., as far as public interest will permit. But I think it more than probable that the army will be engaged in active operations, when, of course, no one would wish to be absent from the ranks, nor could they in that event be spared. The reports from all quarters show that General Hooker's army is prepared to cross the Rappahannock, and only awaits favorable weather and roads. [This was during the Chancellorsville Campaign – L.B.]


The sentence in the case of Isaac Arnold has been suspended, until the decision of the President shall be known. Thanking you very sincerely for your good wishes on behalf of our country, I remain, with great respect,


Your obedient servant,


R.E. Lee


Headquarters Army Northern Virginia

Sept. 20, 1864.


Rev. M.J. Michelbacher, Richmond, Va.




I have received your letter of the 15th inst., asking that furloughs may be granted to the Israelites in the army, from September 30th to October 11th, to enable them to repair to Richmond to observe the holy days appointed by the Jewish religion.


It would afford me much pleasure to comply with your request did the interests of the service permit; but it is impossible to grant a general furlough to one class of our soldiers without recognizing the claims of others to a like indulgence. I can only grant furloughs on applications setting forth special grounds for them, or in accordance with the general orders on that subject applicable to all the army alike.


I will gladly do all in my power to facilitate the observance of the duties of their religion by the Israelites in the army, and will allow them every indulgence consistent with safety and discipline. If their applications be forwarded to me in the usual way, and it appears that they can be spared, I will be glad to approve as many of them as circumstances will permit. Accept my thanks for your kind wishes for myself, and believe me to be,


With great respect,

your obedient servant,


R.E. Lee


An application of a Jewish soldier for permission to attend certain ceremonies of his synagogue in Richmond was endorsed by his captain: "Disapproved. If such applications were granted, the whole army would turn Jews or shaking Quakers." When the paper came to General Lee he endorsed it: "Approved, and respectfully returned to Captain _____ with the advice that he should always respect the religious views and feelings of others." [From THE HISTORY OF THE JEWS OF RICHMOND, p. 164-5]

Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 6:05 a.m. No.4975412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5453 >>5508 >>5762


In the fall of 1859, Salomon de Rothschild, the son of Baron James de Rothschild of Paris, came to the United States as a tourist. His travels in the North and South were recorded in a series of letters to his cousin Nathaniel in London, which are stored in the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress.


Although Rothschild's visit was as a private tourist and not a business trip for his family's banking firm, he met with prominent personalities and commented intelligently on the issues of the day. His views on the conflict between the North and the South were decidedly pro-Confederate and his letters urged his cousin to use all his family's influence to gain the recognition of the Confederacy by the European powers.

Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.4975483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5572 >>5578

Famous Kin of General

Robert E. Lee


Confederate Army - U.S. Civil War


This fucking list blew my mind….


They really are all related.

Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.4975587   🗄️.is 🔗kun




These are over a year old…seems like it happens once a year.


This seems more relevant, considering they know that we know they hunt humans there.


Regardless I don’t think this lines up with Q now

Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.4975696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5722


There are, they’re called plateaus.


They exist all around the world.


These trees were the original Internet and power source for the world, they were silicon based life forms rather than carbon based.


During the the time of Noah, the fallen angels were hell bent on destroying gods creation, they started with the trees because the were the most important at the time, as they connected everything. Think of Avatar the movie.


Petrified wood when busted open contain silica based gem stone and other semi precious stone.


Gorges are where the biggest and most important trees and trunks were dug up roots an all and destroyed.


The waste that was left over was buried and are what we call mountains now. Always, always, always are there giant gorges near mountain ranges throughout the world as evidence of this fact.


Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountains for example.


Love wins

Anonymous ID: 12452c Jan. 31, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.4975769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782 >>5835


Not handy.


I researched this years back, when a YouTube video peaked my interest.


There are some things in the book of Enoch that elude to this also the Bible. I don’t remember exactly where off hand. The evidence is there if you care to do the research.


Just like anything in our history, things have been manipulated and kept hidden from us, but nature doesn’t lie and universal law can never be changed.


If you ask, it will be given unto you