“Man is a scientific creature; he labels his ignorance and shelves it: it bores him, but when he has given a name to any appearance then the mystery flies away, and reality alone remains for his cogitation. We have arranged to label faculties of imagination and prophesy among lesser creatures Instinct, and with this label we have thrown overboard more mystery than we could afford to live with. Later these may confront us again in our proper souls, and the wonder and terror so long overdue will compel our tardy obeisance. “
morning anon
Information Poisoning
There are many ways to attack culture and consciousness non-kinetically.
The cult's near total control of MSM means that people who watch more TV and attend more movies may be more deeply asleep, programmed or even irreversibly affected.
These people will need more compassion and help than your average somnolent normie.
Learn about psyops
Practice information hygiene don't expose yourself or family members to MSM produced music, movies or TV until POTUS rescinds the SOE.
Practice cognitive security
Learn the tactics of non linear war.
These tactics include the use of prepared information to manipulate popular belief, creating artificial division and false polarities. The propagation of false narratives in news media, the use of subliminal image systems and symbolic language cognitive processes occurring below the threshold of conscious awareness.
Posted last Jan 31…
Perception, not the labels used to describe the nonverbal perceptual process, cannot be divided into simplistic categories such as conscious (cognitive) and unconscious (subliminal). Conscious and unconscious must be viewed as approximate overlapping states to be viewed on a scale of more-or-less, rather than either or. Perception as it affects the brain and body is totally integrated. All portions of the brain interconnect with all parts of the body. Body and mind are inextricable.
“Programmed from infancy with basic assumptions, unconsciously supported ideas are usually taken for granted.”
Subliminal perceptions appear to trigger behavior, after a time period, when exposed to a related, secondary, conscious perception.”
Joshua Tree/29 Palms/ Landers CA
First, the integratron - communication (?)
Second GIANT rock, HQ of UFO community in 50s and 60s
Thirdly, the Landers Quake 1992 (DUMBS?)
“Man is a scientific creature; he labels his ignorance and shelves it: it bores him, but when he has given a name to any appearance then the mystery flies away, and reality alone remains for his cogitation. We have arranged to label faculties of imagination and prophesy among lesser creatures Instinct, and with this label we have thrown overboard more mystery than we could afford to live with. Later these may confront us again in our proper souls, and the wonder and terror so long overdue will compel our tardy obeisance. “
Any sauce?
no link no good.
Interesting. Never run across it. Big world. Will keep an eye open. Interesting idea.
All life is information processing and it has always struck anon strange that we only saw carbon - then a decade ago we found sulfer based life around superheated vents
Lots of other candidates too:
>Boranes are dangerously explosive in Earth's atmosphere, but would be more stable in a reducing environment. However, boron's low cosmic abundance makes it less likely as a base for life than carbon.
Various metals, together with oxygen, can form very complex and thermally stable structures rivaling those of organic compounds;[citation needed] the heteropoly acids are one such family. Some metal oxides are also similar to carbon in their ability to form both nanotube structures and diamond-like crystals (such as cubic zirconia). Titanium, aluminium, magnesium, and iron are all more abundant in the Earth's crust than carbon. Metal-oxide-based life could therefore be a possibility under certain conditions, including those (such as high temperatures) at which carbon-based life would be unlikely. The Cronin group at Glasgow University reported self-assembly of tungsten polyoxometalates into cell-like spheres.[19] By modifying their metal oxide content, the spheres can acquire holes that act as porous membrane, selectively allowing chemicals in and out of the sphere according to size.[19]
Sulfur is also able to form long-chain molecules, but suffers from the same high-reactivity problems as phosphorus and silanes. The biological use of sulfur as an alternative to carbon is purely hypothetical, especially because sulfur usually forms only linear chains rather than branched ones. (The biological use of sulfur as an electron acceptor is widespread and can be traced back 3.5 billion years on Earth, thus predating the use of molecular oxygen.[20] Sulfur-reducing bacteria can utilize elemental sulfur instead of oxygen, reducing sulfur to hydrogen sulfide.)