Hi all. Q'er from Norway here. Excitingly following this "phenomena" that is Q. And more.
I have been interested in such things (conspiracies/little known matters) for some years now. I'm 30 now. And maybe I've read some on and off - but consistently - since I was around 19.
I'm relatively critical but still open to let my mind get properly blown. The UFO issue was the hardest one. Holy sh** that broke my mind for a while and it still feels almost incomprehensible…
Over the years there have been maybe 4 or 5 GEMS that have really stood out FOR ME and that I want share here.
(In no particular order):
Neil Keenan (history of events - timeline)
Actually made a 1$ trillion lawsuit (basically against the cabal - or an arm of it)! A very well documented story of hidden reserves of gold, bonds, gems and more in bunkers across Asia. As well as actual pictures of porputed “black book ledgers” of the total debt in the world. HIGHLY interesting story, documents and not in the least the end-game of it!
Dialogue with Hidden Hand - Self-proclaimed Illuminati insider (PDF)
An in-credible (almost literally) story of basically everything about the cabal, our history, conspiracies, aliens, spirituality, other dimensions. For the right people, this one will make you stand rapt in AWE.
This one is (in my view) for the rather high-IQ’s out here - but who still has an open mind (/has a spiritual connection or sense) and who is interested in science, and non-mainstream science. It goes pretty deep! But at the same time it cuts rather beautifully with it’s scalpel into the mysteries of the universe. And it is compactly written.
A healed planet (ahealedplanet.net/humanity.htm)
If I were to personally place one of these gems in “first place”, this one would be it. This has to be the most comprehensive written work almost ever. Jared Diamond, Yuval Harari, Bill Bryson and others can go play with the rest of the kids. This work is something else entirely!
This one is for the READERS out there though. Did I say comprehensive? Try one main essay of 650 pages plus about 20 other 200-300 page essays inter-weaved into a complete work that tells something about almost everything there is: History of the universe, the earth, humans, economics, wars, conspiracies, spirituality, geology, technology, science, humanity, psychology, sociology, medicine++.
What is so special about this work is that the main essay has hyperlinks throughout the text, which links to both other places in the essay, but also to his other essays. So when you read, you can actually end up reading all those 3000-4000 pages if you are up for it.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, (the main essay at least) weaves all of the information neatly into a story about how so-called FREE ENERGY IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING(!!!!!), and that it actually does exist and has been invented in varying degrees of success throughout the last hundred years or so. I cannot overstate how much THIS IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING, and HAS TO BE the end-goal of ALL of the above quests. Also of Q’s path! It's a change of paradigm from one based on SCARCITY (energy, food, "money", resources) into a paradigm of ABUNDANCE (energy, food, “money”, resources). What will happen if 8 billion people are given the chance to unleash their inner creativity and talents onto the world? Free energy has the potential to truly over time make humanity and this planet of ours into an UTOPIA! Although hard imagined by the VAST majority of people.
Steven Greer - Sirius DisclosureYouTube
Witness testimonies from 100s (!!) of high-ranking officials from the military, air-traffic (radar operators), police, politicians and private corporation contractors are actually willing to go to court ready to swear that they are telling the truth about varying degrees of interaction with extra-terrestrial vehicles and beings. This should not be taken so lightly and so comically-themed as the majority of people do! There is something here. And to hear a lot of these witnesses share their stories is truly mind-breaking. I could physically feel my brain/mind try to repress and dismiss the information as it is so mind-boggling.
So to speak the “last exercise” of all the rabbit-holes.
Happy digesting!