TY Bakers!!!
I have a question for this awesome hivemind.
Anons have discussed Global Warming / Climate Change here, and generally agree that the entire Paris Accord is a wealth redistribution scheme designed to cripple manufacturing in developed countries, and give less developed countries the chance to compete; fattening the pockets of the billionaire elite.
The question, though, is have anons actually compiled a set of talking points regarding the fallibility of the science used to draw the 97% consensus? In other words, where is the proof their models are off, or that their assumptions are based on bad data? Had a crafty counter argument to a point that I was making that "a consensus does not make something scientific fact". The retort was "prove gravity". This is a valid retort, if you understand what is being asked.
Any info to show whether the science regarding warming/climate change is bunk would be extremely helpful.