Sen. Feinstein sponsored 0 bills in the 103rd Congress (1993-94).
someone doesn't want us digging this for some reason?
actual sponsor = 30 bills
only one became law
California Desert Protection Act of 1994
218 bills cosponsored
several became law
A joint resolution to recognize the achievements of radio amateurs, and to establish support for such amateurs as national policy (((old cabal comms?)))
A bill to redesignate the Federal building located at 380 Trapelo Road in Waltham, Massachusetts, as the "Frederick C. Murphy Federal Center".
A bill to authorize the construction of a memorial on Federal land in the District of Columbia or its environs to honor members of the Armed Forces who served in World War II and to commemorate United States participation in that conflict.
Healthy Meals for Healthy Americans Act of 1994
Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act
Full Faith and Credit for Child Support Orders Act
A joint resolution to designate October 19, 1994, as "National Mammography Day".
A joint resolution designating 1995 as the "Year of the Grandparent".
A joint resolution to designate October 1994 as "National Breast Cancer Awareness Month".
A joint resolution to proclaim the week of October 16 through October 22, 1994 as "National Character Counts Week".
A joint resolution to designate August 1, 1994, as "Helsinki Human Rights Day".
A joint resolution designating May 29, 1995, through June 6, 1995, as a "Time for the National Observance of the Fiftieth anniversary of World war II".
A joint resolution designating July 16 through July 24, 1994, as "National Apollo Anniversary Observance".
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994
Human Services Amendments of 1994
A joint resolution to designate the week of May 2 through May 8, 1994, as "Public Service Recognition Week".
A joint resolution to proclaim March 20, 1994, as "National Agriculture Day".
A joint resolution designating March 25, 1994, as "Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy".
A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to permit the use of funds under the highway bridge replacement and rehabilitation program for seismic retrofit of bridges, and for other purposes.
A joint resolution designating December 1993 as "National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month".
A joint resolution to designate the periods commencing on November 28, 1993, and ending on December 4, 1993, and commencing on November 27, 1994, and ending on December 3, 1994, as "National Home Care Week".
A joint resolution to designate the third Sunday in November of 1993 as "National Children's Day".
A joint resolution designating the week beginning November 14, 1993, and the week beginning November 13, 1994, each as "Geography Awareness Week".
A joint resolution to designate the week beginning September 19, 1993, as "National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week".
A joint resolution to designate the week of October 3, 1993, through October 9, 1993, as "Mental Illness Awareness Week".
A joint resolution to designate October 1993 as "National Breast Cancer Awareness Month".
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993
A joint resolution to designate August 1, 1993, as "Helsinki Human Rights Day".
A joint resolution to designate July 1, 1993, as "National NYSP Day".
A joint resolution designating the week beginning June 6, 1993, and June 5, 1994, as "Lyme Disease Awareness Week".
A joint resolution to designate the weeks beginning April 18, 1993, and April 17, 1994, each as "National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week".
A joint resolution to designate the weeks of April 25 through May 2, 1993, and April 10 through 17, 1994, as "Jewish Heritage Week".
A joint resolution designating March 1993 and March 1994 both as "Women's History Month".
A joint resolution to proclaim March 20, 1993, as "National Agriculture Day".
A joint resolution designating March 25, 1993 as "Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy".
lots of "days" to celebrate. Look (((HERE))) don't look [there].