Anonymous ID: 2c68d0 Jan. 31, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.4976896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6927 >>7132



Jesus Christ.

Beating around the bush anon here

I used the all 'roads lead to rome' metaphor

to explain the map of connections.

'Rome' refers to that which controls at the center of the web.

Each radial (or 'road') is an industry, with it's own hierarchy of competency.

The proof of work is in the NAPA dig/climb

as NP was in the window at the time.

Anons have dug dug dug and found quite a bit.

So i'll give you one last nudge.

Opus One

Roths and 'Mondavi'

Primum Familiae Vini


what gives?

Sea to Shining Sea

sex Druggs and rock and roll.

Anonymous ID: 2c68d0 Jan. 31, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.4976999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7061 >>7294


Check the NAPA dig that's been going on.

I've used the metaphor of roads to rome to explain the 'MAP'

The whole purpose of the MAP is to show that which they cannot say.

but to get there we have the make the map (or paint the picture) through digging.

If ROME is the forbidden fruit they (q et al) cannot talk about (classified)


One road = a single industry

Each industry has a hierarchy of competency.

It's inherent when you value one over another.

So those that are most valued,

are also those who are most targeted by (((them))).

The most valued are ALSO those CLOSEST to (classified), or 'Rome',

So paint the picture for one industry as high as we can go.

Map the connections from that industry to others.

Do that over and over and over and we'll have a web with no center (classified).

Can we then infer what the center is?


Anonymous ID: 2c68d0 Jan. 31, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.4977231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257 >>7274


In order to find out who/what 'Rome' is

We need to document the connections.

Start with wine.

Nancy Pelosi Winery

What else is near by?

Who/what owns in proximity?

Who donates to her? (trumps grape/napa donor tweet)

In order to find the relationships,

you have to climb up the heirarchy of transactions

and donations

and businesses.

The seemingly unconnected

eventually comes back together.

So for example:

Nancy Pelosi has a donor named Agustin Huneeus -

Huneeus owns a portfolio of wine brands.

Look at the brand names.

Do you think you're going in the right direction? (symbolism will be their downfall)

Now document EVERY relationship with Huneeus and the rest of the relevant industry.

Who are they connected to




Use provable connections like the link above.

Build the web.

Huneeus gets us to NXIVM via his relationship with bronfmans

Huneeus gets us to … 'sea to shining sea'

Huneeus gets us to … 'sex druggs and rock and roll'

Do this for everyone in the web and you'll start to find they're all connected more and more.

Then 'Rome' (classified) will begin to become clearer and clearer.

I suspect we knew all along,

but the connections leading to 'Rome'

will act as proof for action.

Anonymous ID: 2c68d0 Jan. 31, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.4977336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7378 >>7420



You can't prove that.

That's the point.

It may not be true, you're operating on a hunch

What if the vatican is another bread and circus industry?

It's all about money, and controlling the flow through EVERY successful industry.

You guys are missing the whole point of the NAPA dig.

Who are the most successful in the industry?

how are they interconnected?

prove the relationships.

Who MEDIATES the powerful in each and every industry?

That will get you close to the metaphorical 'Rome'

It's not as simple as "rome = vatican" and you're done.

You've proved nothing. You've achieved nothing.

Look at the napa dig, it's not done yet.

We stopped at Opus One.

the KEYSTONE (look at the architecture) of the wine industry.

The pinnacle of the isolated realm of competition, the hierarchy of wine.

Who owns it?

What does a keystone do?

Holds together an 'arch'

What does an 'arch' do?

Lets in light to a stone structure.

Is it a coincidence that there's a pyramid that represents the top of the hierarchy at opus one?

Just below the keystone, where LIGHT shines into a stone structure?

They call themselves the illuminated

because they peel off the most competent of every facet of life

and bend them to their will, their service.

Can you find this symbolism in other industries?






think bread and circus.