Good Morning Hamas!
Knowledge Starting to Leak Finally
Electricity Via Wi-Fi
You idiots need to tell your Imam that the gig is up.
We know who you are now.
So please go tend to your Bochi boys
We'll come to release you from your torment soon enough.
Bad ass, I guess
It's funny. You guys are not allowed to talk about anything but jews.
That's gotta suck, but probably better than dwelling on the fact all you buddies been killed by bacon coated bullets.
None of this shit seems to ever come to any effect though. Notice that?
It's all weird if you really take a step back and look at all of it.
It's like there's a whole other "force" happening here that seems to supersede any other reality presented.
The Force isn't tangible. We can't find it, we can't point to it, we can't see who it is. It's an invisible Force that seems to continually move the ball towards an invisible destination.
No matter how bad things seem to look, the ball still moves forward and we still get a first down.
I'm beginning to wonder who or WHAT Q actually is again.
Military? I don't think so anymore.
DJT? Meh I don't think so anymore.
A.I.? I'm still on the fence here.
Alienz? I don't think so.
Cause look at all the false drops and misinfo!
I mean I think there is a human on the other side of Q who puts out these drops and they think its cute.
But i suspect those humans are blown away at the results that take place that they know they had no control over at all.
Draw a circle around Us and Q person and together there is still something bigger that seems to be driving this truck!
The Force behind it all is bigger than Q, POTUS, Military, and Us.
And The Force behind Q seems to be playing 5-D chess with all of us.