Planned Parenthood sells the organs of the babies killed in the womb for a billion dollars a year. They steal $500,000,000 from the US taxpayers, and kick back $65,000,000 to the Left, the [D] party.
That might be the right headline.
Planned Parenthood sells the organs of the babies killed in the womb for a billion dollars a year. They steal $500,000,000 from the US taxpayers, and kick back $65,000,000 to the Left, the [D] party.
That might be the right headline.
Stalling to 2020
The secret base is worth digging.
The story that Joshua married Rahab is false. Joshua sent the spies in, they were hidden by Rahab, the city fell, Rahab was spared and live with the Hebrews. No mention of her and Joshua marrying.
In fact, Rahab married into the Tribe of Judah, and is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Joshua was in the Tribe of Ephraim. Rahab married Salmon of the tribe of Judah and was the mother of Boaz.
Go build a wall around a city wide enough to hold chariot races on top, and then cause it to fall the same way. We'll wait.
Assume SOB has its regular meaning, Sons of Bitches?
Remember when POTUS took the Taiwanese call of congratulations, and how pissed off Red China was?
This is way better!
All addicts are sick if they don't get their fix.
People are addicted to different things.
These sick people are addicted to sick things.
Yes. And the kuru disease, well, that might be a long shot, but it's not off the table.
Please allow us to counter.
None of the process crimes took place prior to the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller. Therefore, none of the process crimes were the target of any investigation into election interference that was alleged to have taken place prior to the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller.
It's kind of true whether it's shopped or not.