Anonymous ID: 19a5de Jan. 31, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.4977535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541 >>8045

Kim Davis, Not State Of Kentucky, Should Pay $225,000 For Gay Couples’ Legal Fees, Lawyers For Governor Say


Former County Clerk Kim Davis could pay as much as $225,000 in legal fees for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her own religious beliefs, the Lexington Herald Leader reports. Lawyers for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin have indicated that Davis should be responsible for the fees and court costs paid by multiple couples who sued her in 2015 following her refusal to issue them marriage licenses.


Despite the Republican governor’s past praise for Davis, Bevin’s legal team are now indicating that Davis failed to do her job in the wake of the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage. At issue now is their contention that Davis personally, not the state of Kentucky, should be responsible for those fees.

Anonymous ID: 19a5de Jan. 31, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4977676   🗄️.is 🔗kun


World View: Hugo Chavez Dismantled Venezuela’s Businesses on Purpose to Create Socialist Paradise


According to a statement by Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro Moros, his predecessor “[Hugo] Chávez earned a place in heaven” by subsidizing heating oil to 150,000 low-income American families, and especially by the PetroCaribe program, which subsidizes oil for many Caribbean and Central American companies. However, Venezuela’s Socialist economy spirals into collapse, all of these subsidy programs are in jeopardy, and ending the programs could seriously destabilize the region, as many countries are already in economic difficulties.


The PetroCaribe program began in 2005, at a time when Venezuela was making huge amounts of money from selling oil. Under the program, Venezuela lends the country most of the cost of the oil under very lenient terms: 25 year loans with interest rates as low as 1%. In addition, Venezuela accepts debt payments in kind. For the last 10 years, it has received payments in bananas, rice, jeans, medical assistance and “intelligence” services (from Cuba). Estimates are that this costs Venezuela $2-3 billion per year in lost income. This was not a problem a few years ago, but with the economy collapsing, it is today.

Anonymous ID: 19a5de Jan. 31, 2019, 11 a.m. No.4978069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8093


It was all a farce any way


The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace


An award-winning journalist's shocking expose of the international drug smuggling trade. The Underground Empire is the result of Life reporter James Mills's behind-the-scenes investigation which spanned five years and traversed four continents. With recent media attention propelling the narcotics issue into the nation's headlines, Mills dramatically addresses this issue with stunning depth to explain why we're losing the most important war of our time. Everything in this book is true: no changed names, scenes, characters or dialogues.