Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.4977506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7512 >>7530 >>7532 >>7546 >>7578 >>7743 >>7820 >>7974 >>8086 >>8151 >>8212

Rhode Island Catholic Governor Vows to Sign Abortion Bill — Murder of Babies Up to Birth


US Democrats are pushing the most radical abortion-infanticide laws in the world today.

Democrats believe killing a baby on its birth day is a women’s health issue.

Democrats this week proposed murdering the babies on their day of birth and even slaughtering a child after it is born!


And now this…

LifeNews reported:


Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo is pushing a radical pro-abortion bill in her state while claiming to be Catholic.


The legislation, which contradicts the teachings of the Catholic Church, would legalize abortions for basically any reason up to birth. A state House committee is expected to vote on the bill today.


Earlier this month, Raimondo promised to support the pro-abortion bill in her State of the State address, NBC 10 reports.


“Let’s make this the year we codify women’s access to reproductive health care here in Rhode Island,” Raimondo said.


The Rhode Island Reproductive Health Care Act, co-sponsored by state Sen. Gayle L. Goldin and Rep. Edith H. Ajello, would strip away even minor, common-sense abortion regulations – ones that a strong majority of Americans support. It would eliminate all protections for unborn babies and codify Roe v. Wade into state law in case the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the ruling.


The bill appears to allow restrictions for late-term abortions, but it adds a broad “health” exception for abortions after viability.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.4977533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719 >>7729 >>7798 >>7974 >>8086 >>8151

"It Can't Be Fixed": ICC Judge Quits Over "Shocking" Interference From Washington


ICC Judge Flügge said he realized that the “diplomatic world” did not value the independent judiciary that was the ICC.


A senior judge at the United Nations’ International Court in The Hague has resigned in protest of “shocking” interference from the Trump administration into a preliminary war-crimes investigation into U.S. troops.


The judge, Christoph Flügge, who hails from Germany, slammed National Security Advisor John Bolton over his response last year to a preliminary investigation into American soldiers accused of torturing people in Afghanistan. That investigation ultimately found “a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity” were committed by U.S. forces, MintPress News reported.


“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton said in September. He also called for sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) and warned the body against pursuing any investigations into “Israel or other U.S. allies.”


Bolton even cited a Palestinian-led effort to bring Israel to the ICC over its human-rights abuses in Gaza and the West Bank as a reason for closing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington.


He went on to promise to ban ICC “judges and prosecutors from entering the United States,” adding:


We will sanction their funds in the U.S. financial system, and we will prosecute them in the U.S. criminal system. We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”


“John Bolton, the national security adviser to the U.S. president, held a speech last September in which he wished death on the International Criminal Court,” Flügge said after leaving his post. Flugge continued on Bolton’s declaration:


If these judges ever interfere in the domestic concerns of the U.S. or investigate an American citizen, [Bolton] said the American government would do all it could to ensure that these judges would no longer be allowed to travel to the United States – and that they would perhaps even be criminally prosecuted.”


The American security adviser held his speech at a time when The Hague was planning preliminary investigations into American soldiers who had been accused of torturing people in Afghanistan. The American threats against international judges clearly show the new political climate. It is shocking. I had never heard such a threat.


It is consistent with the new American line: ‘We are No 1 and we stand above the law.’”

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.4977560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Europe Launches SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran


In a move sure to unleash fury from the Trump administration, the European Union has announced it has set up a transactions channel with Iran to bypass US sanctions. The launch of INSTEX — or "Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges" — by France, Germany, and the UK will allow non-dollar trade with Iran and is being described as facilitating humanitarian goods-related transactions only, including food, medicine and medical equipment.


Long anticipated, Thursday's EU announcement marks the most concrete action Europe has taken to thwart Washington sanctions after the US pullout of the 2015 nuclear deal last May, and after SWIFT caved to US pressure. Europe is hoping the mechanism will act as a legal means to preventing Tehran from quitting the JCPOA, which promised sanctions relief should the country halt nuclear weapons research and development. INSTEX is expected to receive the formal endorsement of all 28 EU members, which aims to encourage skittish pharmaceutical and agricultural companies to the table with Tehran after many stopped doing business in Iran for fear of US economic retribution.


The Iranians welcomed the new mechanism: “It is a first step taken by the European side… We hope it will cover all goods and items,” Iranian Deputy FM Abbas Araqchi told state TV, referencing EU promises to stick to its end of the nuclear deal.


INSTEX will reportedly be based in Paris and run by a supervisory board chaired by the UK and managed by a German banking expert, and has further been described in European media as "expandable," which is likely to provoke a reaction from the United States, especially after Washington was able to pressure the Belgium-based SWIFT financial messaging service to cut off the access of Iranian banks.


German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas cited EU strategic and "security interests" during a press briefing in Brussels: "We have been looking for ways to obtain this agreement because we are firmly convinced that it serves our strategic security interests in Europe." He further bluntly described, "We do not want Iran to get out of this agreement and back into uranium enrichment. This has to do with our security interests in Europe."


Technically US sanctions allow some limited humanitarian trade and limited goods; however the White House's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran has still scared away European giants like Seimens, Maersk, Total, Daimler, Peugeot, Renault, and others.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo previously warned of “swift punishment” for countries doing business with Iran, thus INSTEX is seen as a first small step toward greater European economic independence, and toward calming Iranian criticisms centered on seeing "dollar domination" as fueling European weakness to follow through on JCPOA stipulations.


But is the new financial exchange mechanism too little too late? One prominent Iranian academic and political analyst, Mohammad Ali Shabani, told Al Jazeera: "If [the mechanism] will permanently be restricted to solely humanitarian trade, it will be apparent that Europe will have failed to live up to its end of the bargain for Iran," told Al Jazeera. And another, Foad Izadi, professor at the University of Tehran, echoed what is a common sentiment among Iran's leaders: "I don't think the EU is either willing or able to stand up to Trump's threat," and continued, "The EU is not taking the nuclear deal seriously and it's not taking any action to prove to Iran otherwise… People are running out of patience."

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4977585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU parliament urges member states to recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president

The European Parliament voted to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela and urged EU leaders to do the same.


The resolution, voted on Thursday, called on the EU leadership to adopt “a strong, unified stance,” and recognize Guaido as the “only legitimate” interim president of the South American nation until new elections are held to “restore democracy.”


The MEPs also pledged “full support” for Venezuela’s opposition-controlled parliament, the National Assembly, urging the EU states to “accredit” the envoys appointed by the opposition.


The document was adopted with 439 votes to 104, with 88 MEPs abstaining.


Guaido thanked the European Parliament for the vote. “We made a big step in our fight for democracy,” he wrote on Twitter.


European Union Foreign Affairs Chief Federica Mogherini had earlier promised“full support” for the National Assembly. On Saturday, Germany, France and Spain threatened to recognize Guaido as the nation’s interim president unless the current head of state, Nicolas Maduro, declared a snap election within eight days.


Maduro firmly rejected the ultimatum, saying that the EU nations have no right to make such demands and the election will take place, as scheduled, in 2025.


Parliament speaker Juan Guaido declared himself interim president last week, in opposition to Maduro who ruled Venezuela since 2013. Guaido was instantly endorsed by the US and subsequently recognized as the sole legitimate ruler by Canada and the majority of South American countries, including neighboring Colombia and Brazil.


States such as Russia, China, Iran and Turkey continue to recognize Nicolas Maduro as Venezuela’s democratically-elected president. Moscow stressed that all nations should respect Venezuela’s sovereignty and vowed to defend its national interests in the country “with all mechanisms available.”


Over the years, Venezuela has been plagued by a severe economic crisis that led to numerous protests, some of which descended into violent clashes with police. Maduro accused the US of stoking protests against the government, as well as harboring plots to oust or assassinate him.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.4977617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge Napolitano: Mueller Deep State Charged Roger Stone with Lying But Won’t Allow Him Copy of Transcript


The Deep State had amphibious team in the water and an helicopter in the sky during the arrest.

The US is now a police state.


Napolitano added that the FBI-Mueller deep state will not even give Roger Stone a copy of the transcript where they accuse him of lying.


** FBI THUGS Forced ROGER STONE’S WIFE To Stand Outside, Barefoot in Nightgown During Home Raid

The US DOJ can never be trusted.

These are police state tactics.


Judge Napolitano: They wont give him a transcript of his alleged lies because the testimony before Congress was classified. This is really Kafkaesque that he should have to defend against something. The government has papers that contains his lies and he is not allowed to see that paper. The lawyers can see it in a secure facility. They can’t get a copy of it. No way will a federal judge allow this to be a basis for the prosecution because your friend the constitution says you’re entitled to be confronted with the evidence against you… You can’t make this up.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.4977670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7683 >>7687

Venezuela is the litmus test


Once (((they))) can simply overthrow a government by ignoring the countries sovereignty and getting other countries to support it this will open the floodgates to remove the leader of any country using the same method.


This bypasses the election process and puts the power of so called democracy solely in the hands of the ruling class.


(((They))) use media to build a narrative of the leader being a bad guy and cruel to his people then claim to moral high ground to intervene and depose said government.


Do you really think (((they))) will stop with this regime change on steroids if (((they))) get away with this???

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.4977730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A glimpse into Huawei's new $1.5bn ‘simulated Europe’ campus for employees


The new campus of the Chinese tech-giant Huawei features 12 towns which are designed as miniature replicas of European cities, including Paris, Oxford and Verona, all connected by a one-way electric tram.


While the United States pushes its European allies to cut the Chinese cellphone manufacturer out of the 5G market, the company has come up with an innovative solution: building their own Europe.


Huawei’s “Ox Horn” campus is being constructed on the outskirts of metropolitan Shenzen, where the company’s corporate headquarters is currently located. The copycat European facility aims to develop employee creativity and provide them with respite from the atmosphere of China’s crowded skyscraper-dominated megacities, according to a company blog post.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.4977747   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senate ethics committee dismisses call to investigate 'Spartacus' Cory Booker for leaked Kavanaugh documents


Sen. Booker had repeatedly said at the time that leaking these documents violated Senate rules


The Senate Ethics Committee has dismissed calls from the group Judicial Watch for the committee to review whether Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) had broken Senate rules by releasing confidential emails.

What's the story?


During the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Booker said he had problems with some documents related to Kavanaugh's past being designated "committee confidential." He said he thought that the public had a right to see these records, and that he planned to release them on his own. He followed through on this promise.


"I understand the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate," Booker told his colleagues in the Senate Judiciary Committee during the hearings. "I openly invite and accept the consequences of my team releasing that email right now."


Booker called this "the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an 'I am Spartacus' moment," referring the 1960 Kirk Douglas movie based on the life of an infamously rebellious first century B.C. Roman gladiator. In the story of Spartacus, Roman soldiers tell a group of recaptured former slaves that their lives will be spared if they identified the rebel leader known as Spartacus. In response, the slaves all stand up and declare "I'm Spartacus!" in an attempt to save him.


Booker also stated in a tweet that he had broken committee rules by releasing the documents.


In its response, which was released by Judicial Watch, the ethics committee said:


The Select Committee on Ethics (the Committee) has reviewed the complaint you filed against Senator Cory A. Booker, dated September 12, 2018. The Committee carefully evaluated the allegations in the complaint and, based on all the information before it, determined that no further action is appropriate. Thank you for your correspondence with the Committee.


What else?


The Senate Ethics Committee is made up of three Republicans and three Democrats. Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga) chairs the committee, with Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) as vice chair. The remaining committee members are Sens. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), James Risch (R-Idaho), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Jean Shaheen (D-N.H.).


Booker has indicated that he is considering running for president in 2020.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.4977802   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch the 1st Amendment Die as Journalist Arrested at Press Conference for Not Being Mainstream


If you are unsure over how the establishment feels about alternative media asking them questions, this video will clear that up.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


First Amendment, U.S. Constitution


Las Vegas, NV — A rather disturbing situation unfolded in Las Vegas on Wednesday as two independent journalists—attempting to exercise their First Amendment right of the press—were arrested and cited for trespassing. Joey Lankowski, Kelly Patterson, and Ronald Mecklosky were at the Las Vegas police station attempting to cover a press conference about one of their officers shooting at a man for holding a cane.


Lankowski tells the Free Thought Project that he’d been in contact with the Metropolitan Police Department so he could get the details of another press conference over police shooting another man and attend it. However, according to Lankowski, officials from the department lied to him and refused to tell him when the actual press conference would take place and held it in secret on Monday.


On Wednesday, Lankowski eventually found out through a source that this new press conference would be held on Wednesday, so he, Mecklosky and Patterson grabbed their cameras and went down to the station.


The interaction was captured on multiple cameras and the video is nothing short of infuriating. As Lankowski enters the room in which dozens of other journalists are allowed, he is quickly approached by police who tell him he is not part of the media and must leave.


Clearly, these officers have forgotten their oaths they swore to uphold the constitution which protects Lankowski’s presence in that room to cover the event as media.


As the Public Information Officer approaches Lankowski, he begins degrading him and telling Lankowski that he is not a part of the media. To be clear, Lankowski is a journalist for Nevada Cop Block and also hosts a weekly podcast for the group. By all standards, what he is doing is being the media.


What’s more, the fact that the officer didn’t recognize this fact is irrelevant as his rule book, the constitution, guarantees this right.


Nevertheless, as other media outlets continue to fill the room, the officer tells Lankowski that he needs a “credentialed” media pass to be in this public space to report on a public press conference.


As Lankowski continues to resist leaving the press room, he is approached by more and more officers who all fail miserably at upholding their oath to the constitution.


Eventually, because Lankowski refused to be denied his First Amendment right, he was physically taken down, handcuffed, arrested, and cited for trespassing—on public property, in a press conference, doing his job as a journalist.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.4977846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust In History Made As Truck Tried Crossing The Southern Border


U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized enough fentanyl to kill over 50 million people from a truck that was trying to cross the southern border into the United States, according to an investigation by “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”


“Well, the U.S. border patrol has made the biggest fentanyl bust in history. An enormous amount, enough fentanyl to kill—they estimate—57 million people. That’s more than the combined population of the states of Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania. It’s a lot,” Carlson stated.


“We got our hands on an internal memo from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that details this bust. The biggest fentanyl seizure in U.S. history,” Vaughn began. “According to the memo, four days ago in Nogales, Arizona, at the port of entry, CBP officers stopped a tractor-trailer crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into the U.S. with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people. That’s plenty of fatal dose to wipe out the entire populations of Texas, Arizona and New York state combined.”


She continued:


They found this under the floor of the trailer. They found 114 kilograms of fentanyl. According to the DEA, just two milligrams is considered a lethal dose. They also grabbed 179 kg of methamphetamine and one gram of fentanyl in pill form. The street value for the fentanyl over $102 million. The CBP officers arrested the smuggler, a Mexican national who attempted to drive the drugs across the border. The suspect was a part of the DHS’s trusted traveler program called FAST, that stands for free and secure trade for commercial vehicles. The program started after 9/11.


The bust comes as President Donald Trump is trying to secure funding for a wall he would like to be built along the southern border to prevent smuggling and illegal immigration. Many Democrats have countered the president’s desire by saying a wall would be “immoral.”

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.4977897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7972 >>7974 >>8086 >>8151

Super Bowl Crime Sweep Nets 33 Arrests on Sex-Trafficking Charges


With only a few days before the Super Bowl kicks off, law enforcement officials in Atlanta announced that a security sweep of the area has resulted in the arrests of 33 people on sex-trafficking charges, a report says.


The crackdown was part of a campaign to quash an influx of prostitution into Atlanta ahead of the big game, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


Nick Annan, Homeland Security Investigations special agent in charge, told the media that sex crimes often rise for special events such as the Super Bowl. He added that the security sweep was carried out over the previous four days and that the effort will continue through the Super Bowl.


The sweep is part of the larger security plans for the NFL game that has included a stepped-up police presence in and around Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium by members of 40 local and state law enforcement agencies who are supported by 25 federal agencies. The stepped-up security also includes flyovers by helicopters from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.


The sweep was conducted in and around Douglas County and included monitoring social media and the use of undercover officers in various hotels. The youngest person arrested was 17, officials said.


Authorities also announced the confiscation of more than 2,000 counterfeit items including fake tickets, but no further details on this topic were released.


“This is a fantastic city,” Atlanta police Chief Erika Shields said. “We really want people to come and just have a great time.”

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.4977924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7974 >>8061 >>8081 >>8086 >>8106 >>8151

Virginia Delegate Who Co-Sponsored Abortion Bill Admits She Didn’t Read It


Virginia Democratic Del. Dawn Adams apologized to her constituents for co-sponsoring a bill that would legalize abortion up until birth, admitting that she did not read the bill before putting her name on it.


“I did not read a bill I agreed to co-patron, and that wasn’t smart or typical,” Adams, who is a nurse practitioner, said. “I will work harder and be better for it.”


“I am sorry that I did not exercise due diligence before this explosion of attention,” she continued. “Had I done so, I would not have co-patroned.”


Adams said that while she is no longer co-sponsoring this particular bill, she is not compromising on her support of abortion.


“I do believe that women have full authority to decide what is best for themselves and their bodies,” Adams said. “As a healthcare provider, I believe that all patients are entitled to the sanctity of the patient-provider relationship and that medical practice should not be legislated by the General Assembly.”


Virginia Democrats have come under fire for their support of the bill, especially Gov. Ralph Northam who appeared to endorse post-birth abortion in a radio appearance yesterday.


Northam fired back at his critics but did not seek to clarify his position on the proposed policy: “I have devoted my life to caring for children and any insinuation otherwise is shameful and disgusting,” Northam tweeted Wednesday night.


The proposed bill was tabled by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.4977954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7974 >>8086 >>8099 >>8151

Bono in Davos: “If Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed”


U2 frontman Bono said that capitalism is “not immoral” while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, admitting it’s “taken more people out of poverty” than any other system.

The social activist (and capitalist) urged global business leaders to join the fight against extreme poverty in Africa and Aids on a panel debating how to end global poverty by 2030 – a UN goal.

“Capitalism is not immoral – it’s amoral. It requires our instruction,” Bono said, adding: “Capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other ‘ism’. But it is a wild beast that, if not tamed, can chew up a lot of people along the way.”

The musician said that unfettered capitalism has caused an international drive towards populism and that public-sector spending is more vulnerable than ever due to issues such as homelessness in European cities.

“We have to have some humility about what we can achieve in the private sector but if we can unlock it it’s amazing what you can pull off,” he said before issuing a warning: “If Africa fails, Europe cannot succeed.”

Bono is a co-founder of One, which is a global campaign organisation with more than 10m members seeking to end extreme poverty.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.4978007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8069 >>8086 >>8151

Mexican President AMLO: ‘No More War’ on Drugs


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) sent shockwaves after publicly claiming an end to his country’s drug war. The politician said his administration will focus on reducing violent crimes instead of capturing regularly violent drug lords.


“There is no more war, officially there is no war because what we want is peace,” AMLO said during a press conference in Mexico City. The politician said his government would focus on decreasing violent crimes rather than fighting a war on drugs like his predecessors. Since AMLO took office in December, Mexican authorities have not captured any major cartel figures despite the escalating drug violence.


Obrador said earlier this week there were 54 murders in one day, improving upon the previous 80 homicides-in-day record–a demonstration that his strategy was working. AMLO’s statement comes at a time when U.S. President Donald J. Trump publicly called out the country’s high murder rate, claiming it rose by 33 percent and was worse than Afghanistan.


Very sadly, Murder cases in Mexico in 2018 rose 33% from 2017, to 33,341. This is a big contributor to the Humanitarian Crises taking place on our Southern Border and then spreading throughout our Country. Worse even than Afghanistan. Much caused by DRUGS. Wall is being built!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 31, 2019


Breitbart News recently reported that court documents from the ongoing trial of Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman revealed AMLO’s failed presidential campaign in 2006 received money from cartels. Details from the trial have also noted that other Mexican presidents and top officials allegedly received bribes from organized crime.


In his talks about peace, the current Mexican president did not acknowledge the fact that a convicted terrorist responsible for the 2008 grenade attack against the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey recently assumed control of Los Zetas. Breitbart News recently exposed Hector Raul “El Tory” Luna Luna as the new operational leader of the “Cartel Del Noreste” faction of Los Zetas and the man who authorities blame for most of the murders in the northern border state of Nuevo Leon.


Recently, El Tory threatened to blow up the headquarters of a state police agency in Nuevo Leon. Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart News that top security officials from that state reached out to the federal government for help–only to be ignored.


AMLO’s talking points about not going after cartel bosses also overlook the escalation of violence in many parts of Mexico including Cancun, Acapulco, greater Baja California, Tijuana, and others is tied to the push by Nemesio “El Mencho” Oseguera Cervantes and Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) to take over areas once controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.4978044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: a717f2 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.4978093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8111 >>8202


I see it as proof the cartels now run mexico


Drug war is BS but the cartels will never allow their business to be undercut by gov unless they run gov and subsequently the legal drug trade