ISIS makes it's final stand in Syria.
The world is about to change.
ISIS makes it's final stand in Syria.
The world is about to change.
Maduro's 'Puppet Master' wife Venezuela's 'Lady McBeth'?
Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide [Kill the King to take over] so she could be Queen.
After Hugo Chávez's death was announced on 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the powers and responsibilities of the President.
The story of his death is pretty sketch. Mass removed from his waist in Cuba - surgery again in Venezula - back and forth +chemo 12 months then death.
"Successive announcements of his return and updates of his health were criticized by the country's opposition that the population were unaware of his health and location. The fact that the cancer had metastasized was not made public during the campaign, and strongly denied by Government officers."