Vampires cant see themselves in mirrors… Clintons/Bush Family?
Kim K?
this is far and away the worst this thread has ever been by quite a fair margin…
I'll be here all week
sounds like a normal god damn AMERICAN going about his business….
Q is now Qabal?
that sounds like a retard hotspot !!!
you single?
hopefully it wasn't Cruz
She's 21 right?
As long as this poster wasn't CRUZ
relax guys…….. she's 21 !
Think of how much time we are wasting in front of this screen because of this "Q"..
We are wasting out on life, not learning natural lessons we could be daily, and wasting our time. We are being the sheep the NWO wants us to be. I am lead to be this was a test for them to see how easily we could be entertained and that they had nothing to worry about as far as our future…
No one has put themselves out there as a threat. No one has proven who Q is.
it's all a big sham……… or test..