Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.4978252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8341

CNN Goes ‘Undercover’ to Manufacture Consent for Coup Attempt in Venezuela


A CNN “exclusive” report from inside Venezuela aired multiple times on the network on January 28. It is a prime example of how influential media outlets in the U.S. effectively create propaganda for the opposition, which now is receiving funds from President Donald Trump’s administration.


For the four-minute report, CNN correspondent Nick Paton Walsh went “undercover” amidst what the network described as the “deepening crisis in Venezuela” in order “to capture the desperation gripping the nation.”


The segment highlighted hyperinflation at grocery chains, Venezuelans lined up in queues for fuel and food, particularly in Caracas, and opposition demonstrations on January 23, when opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself president of the country.


“This was the day when change was meant to come,” Walsh stated.


It suggested President Nicolas Maduro’s government has given “handouts” to Venezuelans for years to buy their loyalty, but now “handouts” are no longer enough. Opponents like to equate social programs to “handouts” because corporate elites favor de-nationalization and privatization of services.


Walsh interviewed a rank-and-file officer in the Venezuela military and granted him anonymity. The officer stated,


“I would say 80 percent of soldiers are against the government. Some even go to demonstrations. But the big fishes, the senior officers, are the ones eating, getting rich while the bottom we have it hard.”


Video showed the opposition throwing stones at a military airfield in a standoff that apparently has lasted “for months.” One part of the barricade was on fire.


Sitting with his back against what appeared to be a concrete barricade, like he was part of the opposition hurling objects, Walsh declared,


“They may be throwing stones here, but what they really need is the army to switch sides.”


Walsh offered no comment on what it would mean for democracy in Venezuela if the military played an instrumental role in helping Guaido and a U.S.-led group of countries oust Maduro.


Another part of the report featured street children in Caracas. A 14 year-old boy recounted how his brother was killed in July by a member of a gang. He said he has to go through the garbage for food and beg so he does not go hungry.



Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.4978286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8672 >>8747 >>8943

Official UK unemployment statistics – The fantasy figures of state propaganda


According to the government, unemployment is now just 4%. The actual number of people with jobs rose to 32.54 million, or 75.8%. This is “the highest since comparable estimates began in 1971,” according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics.


In 1971 we didn’t have the ‘gig-economy’, zero-hours contracts or a complete reclassification of what employment actually means though.


The reality on the ground is not reflected by reality in all sorts of other indicators. “Headline” unemployment is only at a record low because of a number of hidden statistics such as the 42% increase in the number of people who are in “involuntary” part-time work.


“Involuntary” means exactly that – they’re only working part-time because they cannot get a full-time job.


In March 2006, just about at the peak of the economic boom that preceded the great financial crisis, involuntary part-time work was at a low. It then rose to a peak after the 2008 crisis. But today, after 10 years of so-called economic growth, it has reached 881,000 — an increase of 42% over the period, this is again according to the ONS.


From 2010 to 2015 just one in 40 jobs available in the UK were permanent full-time jobs and not much will have changed since then.


With four per cent unemployment, any country would be trumpeting itself as having full employment. Therefore, anyone who wants a job should be able to get one and wages should be rocketing up. But 881,000 part-time workers need full-time jobs. What they want is the kind of work that pays them enough to sustain themselves — and those jobs are just not available. And that’s still only one part of the story.


The average part-time employee in Britain works for about 16 hours a week, less than half the 40 hours generally considered to constitute anything like “full-time” work. This is again according to the ONS. And don’t forget the vast majority of these people have no permanent employment status, pensions or employment conditions that come with full-time permanent work.

Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.4978296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The MSM will not show the Massacres of the FSA – We will not forget


This day in 2013, Aleppo woke up on a new massacre where 220 Syrian soldiers & civilians were executed in cold blood by EU backed FSA rebels and dumped in the river! No mention of this massacre on any MSM outlet!


Don’t forget the Syrian Police that were butchered and thrown off a bridge into the river by FSA terrorists in 2011.


Remember both of these incidents were never shown in the MSM, because they were still denying that there were any terrorists in Syria at the time.


They only report on terrorists being there since 2014, when they crossed the border into Iraq and could not be denied anymore, but the media still deny any terrorists before this date.


Watch this video before it is removed again.

Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.4978318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Updated Syria Briefing from Peter Ford: US Withdrawal, Safe Zones, Sanctions, Idlib, ISIS & Israel


The following situational briefing update has been provided by Peter Ford, Former British Ambassador to Syria:


US Withdrawal


Contrary to the expectations of many experts, President Trump has remained insistent on the withdrawal of approximately 2,000 US troops from North East Syria, although he has had to concede more time. The ‘conditioned’ withdrawal touted by his uber-hawkish National Security Adviser, John Bolton, appears to have shrunk just to ensuring that the Kurds in the YPG militia the US will be leaving behind are not slaughtered by the Turks. One of the other conditions, eradicating the final remnants of ISIS, appears to have been all but met by a final Coalition push, with ISIS down now to its last village, obviating the handing of the job to Turkey which was ludicrously proposed initially, while the other condition, ensuring that Iran does not benefit, appears to have been quietly


‘Safe zone’


Quite how the Kurdish issue will be settled remains up in the air. Not for much longer, however, if we parse correctly the statements made by Putin and Erdogan after their meeting in Moscow on 23 January.


As is often the case when the great men speak, what they do not say is as important as what they do say. Erdogan did not say, as he had done previously, that Turkey was going to police the proposed ‘safe zone’, 20 miles deep, cleared of the YPG. Rather he said that Turkey and Russia were in agreement on the establishment of such a zone. And the next day his Foreign Minister said that Turkey was open to arrangements being made involving ‘the US, Russia or others’. Putin on his side made clear that these significant ‘others’ were the Syrian government, whom he encouraged to speak to the Kurds. The day before the Putin-Erdogan meeting a Kurdish delegation was in Moscow, following earlier discussions in Damascus.


The eventual outcome, a return of Syrian security forces to the North East, is, in the view of this analyst, nailed on. The only question is when and under which conditions. The Kurds, reckoning on the Turks’ lack of appetite for a contested incursion and US dithering, are attempting to squeeze the last concession out of Damascus in terms of incorporation of the YPG into the Syrian security forces and some measures of local self-government, as well as use of the Kurdish language. Damascus, however, appears to hold the whip hand, conscious that as time goes on Trump will look as powerless over withdrawal as he does over the Mexican Wall if he does not act ‘and will if necessary call the Kurds’ bluff.

Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.4978342   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuela - Coup Attempt Part Of A Larger Project - Military Intervention Likely To Fail


The Trump administration has launched a large political project to remake several states in Latin America. The Wall Street Journal headlines:


U.S. Push to Oust Venezuela’s Maduro Marks First Shot in Plan to Reshape Latin America

The Trump administration’s broader aim is to gain leverage over Cuba and curb recent inroads in the region by Russia, Iran and China


The plan includes regime change in Venezuela, Nicaragua and eventually Cuba. The removal of any Russian or Chinese interest is another point. It is a multiyear project that has bipartisan support. It will likely require military force.


The project seems to echo the "New Middle East" plan then Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice launched in 2006. It largely failed due to U.S. incompetence but left behind severely damaged states.


That the U.S. is going for such a wide ranging plan in the western hemisphere might explains why Trump is pressing to end the other military projects in the Middle East and Afghanistan.


The starting shot for the new plan, the U.S. led coup attempt in Venezuela, is already in trouble. The U.S. selected puppet Juan Guaidó had called for demonstration in support of his coup that were supposed to take place yesterday. But even the NYT, which propagandizes for each and every regime change operation the U.S. undertakes in Latin America, could find only little evidence of support:


Mr. Guaidó also took part in protests on Wednesday at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas, where he was swarmed by international reporters. Wearing a white lab coat, he linked arms with medical students and marched with them up a roadway, before speeding off on the back of a motorbike.


The demonstration was one of a handful in the city on Wednesday, though on a smaller scale than some recent demonstrations. Some workers walked out of their jobs for hours in protest against Mr. Maduro and his government, gathering on corners through the capital.

Anonymous ID: 381349 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.4978389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8408 >>8427

CDC Adds 3 More Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule


When is Trump going to address these issues????


Wall seems more and more like a distraction, while 5G chemtrails and Vax is ignored.