Anonymous ID: be50c3 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.4978352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419

Human trafficking









Sometimes the cannibalism begins BEFORE death of the victim.


These horrific crimes have to STOP. We need the WALL. POTUS is doing the right thing in insisting on and then building the wall.


The flood of human trafficking victims, deadly drugs, etc. are what FUEL the cabal and its iron grip on the Democrat party. The illegal cash income from this flood flows back into Mexico where it has caused drug cabals to flourish and plays a role in Mexico's state of near lawlessness and 33% murder rate increase year over year.

The cabal needs victims in order to "induct" new members into their satanic cabal and acquire blackmail over them to control them. This whole evil satanic system HAS TO STOP and the WALL is a critical component to stopping it.


God help us all.

Anonymous ID: be50c3 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.4978399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8423


Those who don't recognize a human fetus/newborn as a human person with their own life, and deny the baby the opportunity to ever exercise his/her own freewill by murdering him/her, are what the Apostle Paul described as having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Like their natural human compassing is cauterized, scarred over, with normal sensation it had before now blocked by scar tissue.

Killing a baby is murder.

Murder is a terrible sin.

God is watching.

All will answer for their sins, sooner or later.

It is better to learn to recognize sin now, turn away from sin, repent (means to sincerely recognize the error and sincerely desire never to repeat the error), and ask God for forgiveness.

God help us all, because none of us living humans are free from sin.

Anonymous ID: be50c3 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.4978473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8499


Q's phrase "world leaders turned a blind eye" evokes the ritual black eye that so many have undergone. Emphasizes their connection to the ritual sacrifice of human beings. Emphasizes that leaders are made or compelled to participate in gory death rituals, they are filmed, and then forever controlled by the cabal by blackmail.


The cabal needs an endless stream of victims to perpetuate their satanic control over world leaders and the "entertainment" and "news" industry.

Anonymous ID: be50c3 Jan. 31, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.4978581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you, fren.

I never in my wildest dreams imagined it would come to the point of such unspeakable evil, of welcoming the murder of living newborn babies.

I am a person who does not deal in sarcasm and not very well even in humor. "Just the facts, maam." I don't like to say a thing that is false "in jest" because what if somebody hearing it doesn't realize it's "in jest" or "facetious" or "exaggerated for the purpose of making a point"? Spouseanon accuses me of being humorless. I'm not, but my humor is narrow and does not include saying things in jest I know to be untrue. Just a quirk of personality I suppose, but have been that way my entire life. Just truth, truth, truth, to the best of my ability.