Anonymous ID: f4fab1 Jan. 31, 2019, 10:08 p.m. No.4985585   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Senate Vote to stay at war in Syria


Krassenstein gloating because Trump wants to leave Syria & Afghanistan. The boy is writing Trump 2020 campaign material and doesn't realize it.


Congress voted on support for NATO last week, didn't they? Now this Syria stuff.


INF withdrawal TBA by Kansas today? France, Germany, and UK form structure to circumvent US Iran sanctions (humanitarian goods, they say) announced yesterday. INF move could be to allow Russia to put nukes on China's border and a US SOFA with Afghanistan, if it is in the works, would put nuke deployment on the table as well. US nuke deployment in Germany won't fly, so maybe Poland is in the works. Germany will still spazz and Merkel has another problem. Yank NATO and they're SOL.


Have to look back at the Pelosi CODEL and where she was going (EU/AFG). I think she landed at Brussels because it's close to Aachen (Merkel/Macron agreement). Morgherini was involved in that CODEL, too, and she's the front chick for the Iran workarounds. Luria, a week on the congressional job, was on that trip. She's a Navy nuke specialist (or similar). Tells me EU is balls deep in illicit business with Iran, can't afford to turn the spigot off, and need help fighting bad orange man.


Senate vote could be Israel or EU lobby cashing in their chips, because they're making money off the Syria/AFG situation somehow. Vote is meaningless, I believe. With all the pubs voting with the dems it might be a horse trading situation where the dems asked for help in bloodying up Trump a little before they cave on the wall, which is also a meaningless, since wall is going up anyway.