I was just thinking about something.
The past few days conservatives have been quite upset and disgusted(as any human with feelings should be) about the barbaric laws regarding abortion that the dems have pushed in many states.
RGB is missing in action, and presumed dead.
Anons have speculated that Amy Barrett will be Trump's choice for the SC.
She is a judge who does not agree with abortion.
Are the dems pushing this on purpose, because they know Ruth is gone, and going to be replaced. And they are bringing this issue out into public debate, to get the lib feminists worked up?
Because it seems to be having the opposite effect.
They are pushing the boundraries and really exposing the whole abortion issue as evil, immoral and wrong.
What kind of people would advocate for infantcide?
Many people are pro choice, but a majority agree with it, prior to 3 months, not a fully formed baby that could survive.
The dems pushing those laws, are laying down a red line in away.
A line in which probably 90% of people never want to cross.
Killing a baby in the final months of pregnancy or right after labor starts.
Or as the Gov of Virginia promotes killing the baby right after birth.
Thats like putting a baby in a sack and throwing it in a river( like people have done with unwanted puppies)
Many young women have gone to jail for disposing of or getting rid of a baby right after birth. Now they are legalizing it.
Their actions seem to be solidifying the entire republican base, who would now stand proud and strong with POTUS nominating someone like Barrett to the SC.
Are the dems self destructing on purpose? are they trying to get as much evil done, before the jog is up, and all of their other crimes exposed.
I found out earlier this evening that my state is one of the few that allows abortions through the 3rd trimester.
I was horribly appalled and disgusted learning that, had no idea it was being done here.
It was not something they advertised, or made the public aware of what they are doing.
I think if people in my state understood what it means, many would be totally against that.
I think people need to start shaming the people who passed these laws, get the public aware of the infantcide going on in their own backyards.
I think the dems really fucked up, bringing this issue into the light, it is going to bite them in the ass.