Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.4986207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6250 >>6287 >>6444 >>6568 >>6707

The "Muh Russia" narrative & the Plan behind it



After numerous digs, some impressions came to me which are shared below. Bottom line: The "Muh Russia" narrative is what underlies practically every DS operation against POTUS, Q, and the patriots, including the Mueller probe, FISA investigation, and charges of Russian election meddling in 2016/2018. It also drives Dem demands for the censorship of social media, based on the idea that there are dangerous "Russian-like" right-wing extremists spreading hateful ideas that will cause future violence and the end of our democracy [their language, not mine].


Three phases

Phase 1: Post-WWII - present (ongoing) (German Marshall Fund, NATO)

Western allies defend against USSR aggression

Phase 2: - Post-911 - DJT candidacy (911, Neo-Con response, Obama/HRC/Dems join the fray)

US & allies fight terrorism mostly in the Mid-east

Phase 3: DJT candidacy - present (Russian collusion narrative, 3 aspects (a) DJT & Russia (b) Russian election meddling (c) conflation of Russians/conservatives)''


Shared aims and outlooks

(a) Aggressive stance towards enemies "out there"

(b) "Russia as a special enemy" (dangerous, aggressive)

(c) Aim: to distract from real enemy ("look THERE not HERE")


Three-prong strategy

  • BIG LIE: "Russia meddles with our elections" (why DJT elected)

  • BIG LIE: "Trump is colluding with Russia" (Russian agent? Must be impeached)

  • BIE LIE: "Trump, Russia & the patriots are really the same" (All are anti-"Democracy")


Level 3 actors & methods

  • HIDDEN ACTORS: C_A & other black ops planners, plotters, operators

  • SHADOWY ACTORS/DONORS: DS funding sources, usually hidden or partially so

  • SHELL GROUS/LAUNDERERS: launder $, confuse, hide real powers

  • "FRONT" GROUPS: fake news, fake sites, fake research/reports (DS public face)


Ideas for countering the Level 3 narrative

  • EXPAND OUR THINKING ("big picture", patterns, key players)

  • COLLECT DETAILS, THEN CONNECT THE DOTS (detailed info, relationships, power centers)

  • POST RESULTS HERE (others pick up & distribute on alt-media sites)

  • TRACK THE OPPOSITION (long game monitoring of purveyors of "Muh Russia" narrative e.g., MSM, "research" orgs, govt depts. Also check out real news source on Russian narrative: try Daily Caller, Sputnik, World Socialist website, RT, Dan Cohen, JW.)

Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:48 a.m. No.4986336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6346 >>6444 >>6568 >>6707


MSM articles on Q: 306 articles thru Jan 31 2019

Frens, if you know moar articles, plz give feedback or post. At the last minute, anons found one last Q article from our friend Will Sommer (>>4978220 Trump allies believe 'conspiracy' that RBG is dead).



  1. 306 articles on Q by date, PDFs (author/pub/date)

  2. Updated trend chart that includes Jan 2019



PDF by author:

PDF by pub:

PDF by date:



  • ~40 articles from 2018 & 28 articles for Jan 2019

  • These are MSM articles with several exceptions (videos/tweets like SGTReport's Sean talking about 12-10-18 WaPo article)

  • MSM articles: about 95% are negative

  • Trends for Jan 2019

  • New material on chart is in



Jan. 2019

Stories on Q this month focused on

  • scaring people about conspiracy theories, citing Q as an example

  • chans making fun of Ocasio-Cortez dancing in HS (yes, really!)

  • completely laughable claim that RBG might be dead

  • poor crazy Patriot Prayer member who liked Q & killed his bro w/sword. Kek.


__'''Journalists with 2 articles on Q'''__

The newly-found articles for 2018 are mainly for months where there were already many articles (Aug 2018–when MSM decided to "publicize" Q) and Dec 2018 (mostly on the Pence "patch" debacle).

# Articles

5+ Jared Holt (5), Mike Rothschild (7), Will Sommer (15)*

4 Tony Romm, Kevin Roose

3 Luke Barnes, Jane Coaston, Ben Collins, Lush Tamara*, Abby Olheiser, Tom Porter, Andrew Whalen

2 Howard Altman, Ali Breland, Philip Bump, Andy Campbell, Chris Cillizza, Renee Diresta, Matthew Gault, April Glaser, Tim Hains, Emily Jacobs, Michael Kunzelman*, Kyle Mantyla, Paris Martineau, Molly Roberts, Isaac Stanley-Becker, Travis View, David Weigel

*one article = reprint



5+ WAPO (20), DAILYBEAST (15), DAILYDOT (11), NBC (10), NEWSWEEK (8), NYT (8), THEHILL (8), RWW (7), VICE (7), CNN (5)




*some not negative


Moar on anti-Q writers

>>4932436 Discussion of reporting on recent Comet Pizza fire

>>4692767 IPOT goes after anti-Q writers like Will Sommer

>>4678761 Discussion of Will Sommer, Jimmy Comet & Amanda Kleinman

>>4601471 First anti-Q fake news article for 2019….RWW's Jared Holt

>>4592014 238 MSM articles on Q from start thru 1/1/19

>>4386891, >>4388458 Moar on Travis View

Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.4986362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There's a very close relationship between fake news, fake research, and fake reports–as you might guess! That's why I did the summary of how the whole "muh russia" thing: because its ilke a central theme that holds everything together.

Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.4986379   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You have no way of knowing what a difference one of your memes could make, either here or elsewhere. Great collage, I love them. Made one to use for people who can't seem to help complaining on the board. Better to just send a meme.

Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 1:32 a.m. No.4986487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533 >>6568 >>6707



  1. The info on TDIP that I posted turns out to be rather old, even tho DC article is new. Maybe they updated one of two things but info on the $50mil was out last april. Would love to find out more on funding.


Waldman has that very interesting history with Assange/Comey, but he's another guy who isn't in the spotlight– probably on purpose.


  1. Re NK's funding: Do you have the attached article?

Dated Aug 28 2018.


Here's another link; maybe you have both of them but what the heck.

From this second article, written "5 months ago":


Back in January, we told you about a young, Austin, Tex.-based startup that fights online disinformation for corporate customers. Turns out we weren’t alone in finding it interesting. The now four-year-old, 40-person outfit, New Knowledge, just sealed up $11 million in new funding led by the cross-border venture firm GGV Capital, with participation from Lux Capital. GGV had also participated in the company’s $1.9 million seed round.


The Alabama special election was on Dec. 12, 2017. So the five months would have to be before then. Looks like NK used Hoffman's cash for the Alabama project.


  1. Re smaller specialized charts: that is what I'm thinking, I may have mentioned it….like a map inset for downtown area.

Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 1:44 a.m. No.4986525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6529


Yes, thanks. The RINOs definitely come into the picture because of the tie between the Project for a New Amer. Century and the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which is a project of the Marshall Fund. Bill Kristol is on the ASD board:


William Kristol is the editor at large of the influential political journal, The Weekly Standard. Before starting that magazine in 1995, Kristol served in government, first as chief of staff to Secretary of Education William Bennett during the Reagan administration, and then as chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle in the George H. W. Bush administration. Kristol has also served on the board of the Project for the New American Century (1997–2005) and the Foreign Policy Initiative (2009–17). Before coming to Washington in 1985, Kristol taught government at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University.




Anonymous ID: fdb57e Feb. 1, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.4986686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6688


One thing I want to track is whether or not this Alabama scandal will blow over. It should NOT but Diresta is just ignoring it like it's going to go away. Because NK is a key player in the Muh Russia narrative–and that narrative is ESSENTIAL to the Dems, because it's all they have–the Left has lots of incentives to "forget." Since I'm already tracking Q articles I'll just track New Knowledge articles, as well.


Sara Hudson:

Oh she was the one at the Proj. Birrmingham mtg in Sept….let's see….:


"During the meeting, Dickerson and Sara Hudson, a former Justice Department employee who now works for a company partly funded by Hoffman, detailed the results of their attempt to use social media and online ads to suppress Republican votes, “enrage” Democratic voters to help with turnout, and execute a “false flag” to hurt the campaign of Republican Roy Moore.


She was a after the DOJ. Is that the company referred to here? One online ref I saw made it look like she is not at that company now:


"Sara Hudson

Former Fellow, Public Interest Technology

Sara Hudson was a fellow in New America's Public Interest Technology program. She came to New America from the Department of Justice.


From the NYK article:

Sara K. Hudson, a former Justice Department fellow now with Investing in Us, a tech finance company partly funded by Mr. Hoffman, worked on the project, along with Mr. Morgan.

From Sputnik:

As journalist Dan Cohen noted on Twitter, the statement doesn't say anything about whether Hoffman fired or disciplined his employee Sara K. Hudson, who along with New Knowledge CEO Jonathon Morgan, worked on the influence operation.


Here's a cite from Google, one of those where you can't actually find the quote

The letter - Politico

Jan 9, 2019 - with a U.S. Senate election and is therefore within the jurisdiction of the … Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones, who won the race and is now a …. Sara K. Hudson, a former Justice Department fellow now with Investing in Us.

Ok, Investing in US; she is there as of June 2018.


see cap:


Here's what Jonathon says:

In spring 2017 I was still one of a relatively small group of researchers quantitatively studying these social media dynamics. Because of that work, I was introduced to Mikey Dickerson and Sara Hudson, who were founding an organization with similar goals to the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. However, instead of countering foreign jihadist extremism (which is the goal of the GEC), it would focus on US political polarization and the vulnerabilities of social media platforms. Jan 2 2019–election-c83350324529


Just ran across your original digg; I'm not sure the Sara Hudson who does indigenous research is the same Sara Hudson. Ran across her too.


Last minute: found a Wikipedia entry on Invest in Us. Haven't checked it out yet.