this is good news and truth… they were hoping that a gov't shutdown would tank the economy… they have found out that the citizens don't care we can run ourselves… learn to code
this is popcorn worthy… these clowns are going to eat each other up… they are going to push each other so left that the middle will move right
warning to the Repub Rinos in the Senate
starting the pre-text for physical intervention
ok why isn't anyone asking those who sponsored the bill, that now say they didn't read it, who wrote it? Who did actually write the bill? I think it's past time we find out. Any VA anons want to dig on this?
I don't know and it hasn't been dug on as far as I can tell. But if history is any indication he is just doing another power grab. Now he may be actually trying to help the people and trying to grab power at the same time. Only time will tell.
anon you have to look at the unintended consequences. Sure it's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out, but think about this. In both bills what becomes cheaper for Insurance companies… death or medical care? Now add in the fact medi-care for all… once we have it we won't be able to get rid of it. Then the cost is going to actually hit people between the eyes and of course the argument will be made that…. you had a good life it's time for you to move on… sorry but it's your patriotic duty to die and save our way of life as a society because quit frankly we cannot afford to keep you alive.. thanks for your service… next
shill alert… they already are doing that on a state level… shill alert
yeah I heard that… but did she really write the bill? she really didn't seem to know to much about it..
OR HB 2251, OR SB 501, WA I-1639
exactly my thoughts anon… I'm thinking planned parent hood actually wrote the bill.. if we had sauce (which would be damn hard to come by) it would be a great tool to use against gov't money going to PP… there is a growing outrage over this bill and the one in NY