gold for humans
Who owns the plot of land connecting joshua tree forest to the sea???
Los padres
The parents
Its a fucking chain from the coast to the holding camp to swap gold or brainwash ppl
Dude. She is literally feeding them blue pills.
Poppy experiment is intended to get you to think for yourself.
No dog walking
No dogs in the car
Dog is a pet
Pet is controlled asset
Walking is when you excercise your pet
Driving in a car with your pet sounds like entertainment.
CIA mind controlled dogs
CIA mind controlled humans
Probably still refer to mk'd humans as dogs
So no excercising (using) of mk'd humans is allowed at this time. Not even if it is for a drive around the block.
Likely interpretation: US mil is on to us, dont expose the comms channel for mk assets.
Go watch some of her interviews. Her handler literally has to sit there with her, as a joke to make fun of the fact that pop stars are all controlled.