Was looking into this, was going to see how we can actually file a complaint. Found this:
The bottom line is that the complaints won’t proceed because Supreme Court justices are not subject to the federal court’s disciplinary mechanism. Here’s an explanation:
A 1980 law, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, allows anyone to file “a written complaint” alleging judicial misconduct or performance-degrading disability. The Act defines misconduct as “conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts.”
Now reading those first few paragraphs, it appears they are saying that Supreme Court Justices are exempt from this act. However upon continued reading, they claim its was due to all the judges refusing themselves from the Kavanaugh case. Not because they are exempt. Weird way to explain what happened while misleading readers.
Might need a lawfag to get in on this one, but it appears that what they say in this article’s first few paragraphs IS NOT TRUE.
I think we could file a complaint against RBG for being incapable of carrying out her duties.